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    Li Yu's voice fell, and his mind remained silent.

    He frowned, did he guess wrong?

    As soon as the thought fell, a sound sounded in my head, and a light screen popped up, showing that the chrysanthemum of [World Secret] was lit up by more than half.

    Li Yu was not too disappointed. Whether he was talking to Shi Yu about the city consciousness, and what was in the expensive boxes, it was not clear what was contained.

    There is also a lunatic asylum where no driver is willing to go.

    There are too many boxes with secrets to be opened one by one, at least now he knows that this is a mobile city.

    When the origin of the city is found, the answer will be revealed.

    Putting away his complicated thoughts, Li Yu turned around and planned to hang out a few circles, and then carefully observe the surrounding environment to see if he could find new clues.

    I have to say that although the city planning is very garbage, the buildings are colorful and various styles are mixed together, from another perspective, this is also an art.

    Li Yu walked all the way and ate all the way without stopping his mouth, carrying several bags in his hand.

    He came to a botanical park with a quiet environment, few tourists, and tall and precious vegetation everywhere.

    Go all the way south and sit down next to an English sign.

    The road signs are all in English. The paint peeled off, revealing the brown wooden boards below, which contrasted with the fresh and pleasant environment.

    At this moment, two staff members wearing orange vests pulled the small trailer and walked quickly.

    "Little brother, please give me some trouble." The tall staff member said that he squeezed the youth away and stood between the bench and the road sign.

    Li Yu was forced to let it go, and was not angry. Seeing that the two were sweating and their collars were soaked, he lowered his head and took out two bottles of mineral water from the bag and handed it over.

    The staff didn't want it at first. Under the firm and friendly eyes of the youth, they finally took it over and unscrewed their gazes and poured their heads.

    The short man was handsome and kind, and he had a more docile personality. "Thank you, little brother."

    Li Yu shook his head and pointed to the new signpost in the cart. "Are these all new ones?"

    "Yes. "The short man put the water in the car and handed the tall man a hammer.

    Li Yu's eyes patrolled the cart and the old street signs twice, wondering, "These old looks can be used again." The

    short man said, "You can't use it. Didn't you see English written on it, A few can understand. "

    " Why was this done at that time? "Li Yu smiled and looked away." I just entered the park and saw a sign of English in the water. I thought I was abroad. "

    The short man laughed twice, and looked at the tall one, saying, "The park was just built, and because of insufficient funds, I temporarily made use of the abandoned road signs of other parks."

    Sounds far-fetched, but it makes people Can't question, refute.

    The tall young man blocked the obstruction and waved his hand. "Take the trouble, you hindered our work."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now