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    1551 released a 3D three-dimensional map, covering everything from the beach to the mountains.

    The internal structure of the building, the people sitting in the house, the animal nest under the huge tree roots, everything on the island has a panoramic view, even the little ants have not let go.

    Li Yu was dumbfounded, the legendary eye of God.

    1551, "I can see everything now, but the eavesdropping function has the suspicion of cheating for you. At present, I can only selectively eavesdrop." To

    put it bluntly, what can be overheard is useless content, tasteless.

    It ’s better than nothing. Li Yu does n’t care. He urged, “Look where the target is.” The

    person coming in the elevator was the strong man who beat Zhang honest last time.

    The strong man's body is not diabetic at all, he has strong muscles and a tall body, but his face is not very good.

    Li Yu just glanced at his eyes and began to introduce the recent situation of the strong man in 1551.

    "Because the amount of medicines in the family is not enough, he reduced the medicine that he should have injected to the night and night to once a night. At present, his blood sugar value is too high to metabolize sugar, protein and fat normally, so he can only reduce the number of meals. You see, he

    His face was so ugly. "The strong man's face was pale and his eyelids were drooping, and he was too lazy to turn his head when he saw the line of sight beside him.

    Fish Lee asked, "Are you okay?"

    Brawny shook his head, "Nothing."

    Lee asked fish system, "he will now have immediate danger?"

    1551, "No, just hungry."

    Lee fish, "...... "The

    elevator reached the first floor, the door opened, and the man walked out of the building with an umbrella, and in less than three steps, the umbrella held tightly in his hand was blown away."

    He lowered his curse and ran back to protect his head. When he saw that the unfamiliar young man was going out, he reached out and stopped. "Outside the wind and rain, are you going out to find death?"

    "Look for someone." Li Yu said, "I went to Mr. Cheng, he didn't bring an umbrella when he went out."

    Zhuang Han sneered, "You don't need to find it, you can't find it." The

    same answer, Li Yu has heard it several times, he With a look on your face, you are teasing me, "How can you not find such a big man?"

    "What do I lie to you." The strong man said after changing his face, coughing and coughing against the wall, and shaking.

    Li Yu, "..."

    "Every time it rains, he goes into the mountains, and the forest is covered with trees, which are trees that have grown for decades. They are different from the groves on our beach." The strong man breathed weakly. , Continue to say, "The police dogs in our town will also get lost. Is your nose better than dogs?"

    Of course not, but Li Yu did not say that once he nodded, he admitted that he was not as good as dogs.

    He can run and jump, which is much better than the dogs all day long.

    The strong man pressed the elevator, "Brother go back, don't go out to death."

    Brother, I don't want to die, I want to find my man.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now