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    As soon as this thought came up, Li Yu goosebumps immediately got up.

    The empty pipes suddenly became caves with ghosts in danger.

    1551 calmly said, "I have a look."

    But within two seconds, the system gave the query result, "There is someone."

    Li Yu's brow tightened, and he immediately thought of who it was.

    He stopped at the same place and whispered in a low voice, "001."

    According to the target's ear power, if he is really there, he can't hear it.

    But Li Yu didn't see anyone after waiting a long time, and shouted again with the name and surname, "Su Yi, come out."

    Slowly crawling voice came from the murmur, the man's tall body squeezed through the narrow channel, a bit funny.

    Li Yu's mouth twitched twice, "How did you follow, how long did you follow?"

    001 pretended not to understand.

    In 1551, the station was demolished. "You have been following since you left the hotel."

    It was still not enough after finishing the case. It released a light screen and played a historical picture.

    It's amazing, 001 is very good for tracking. He knows how to hide. Every time Li Yu makes a turn, he will hide. He can't relax his vigilance even further away.

    Even more terrifying is that after Li Yu hid under the car and threw the small stone, 001 cleverly made a noise, attracting the patrols who were about to return elsewhere, and delaying the time for Li Yu.

    It's too dangerous to have something to return.

    Li Yu frowned, "You go back first, I'll be back soon."

    001 tried to fool around without speaking, looked guilty by the youth's eyes, and sweated behind.

    "No." He whispered back, "I want to follow you to protect you."

    Protecting a fart, how many people are big, and disturbing the outsiders, they have to hold a group and eat a gun.

    Li Yu, "001, obedient."

    001 blinked and suddenly reached out, holding the young man's ankle and pushing forward.

    Li Yu stalemate with him for a moment, compromised, and angrily followed the man's strength to climb forward, faster and faster, the ten-minute journey was shortened by him to five minutes.

    The shutter in the house was opened just before the obstruction was opened.

    The white lights in the hallway obscured the dark interior, and the four guards walked in.

    They each wore bullet-proof vests, carrying guns, and looked impatient, discussing the new rumors heard in these two days.

    "You heard about it. There are a lot of foreign species suddenly gathered 300 kilometers away from us."

    "I heard. It is said that these foreign species also drove trucks and carried weapons."

    "You said that they would not rush us. Come on. "

    " Otherwise. "The speaker counted and set the combat uniform aside." Why do you think the above suddenly let you strengthen the defense? They don't say it, but it doesn't mean we are stupid. "The

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now