reality 3

378 18 0

   Li Yu sat in front of the small bar in the lounge area of ​​the hall, holding a glass of lemonade in his hand.

    The barman opposite the bar heard that he had eaten breakfast in the alley in the morning, and immediately said, "It seems that we both have the same taste. In the past two months, I also went every day."

    Li Yu has no expression, cooperate Nodded.

    Once the brother's speech box was opened, it was hard to stop, "But I'm worried that the aunt's store won't last long."

    Li Yu spit out the straw and asked casually, "Why?"

    "We can rent in this area Where is it cheap? "Brother shook his head and sighed," There are indeed many diners in her family, but to be honest, the price is really fair, not to mention labor expenses, it is difficult to earn the rent alone. "

    Central City University There is no margin, but politics, commerce, housing, and entertainment are concentrated in a limited area. Coupled with a large population, well-developed consumption, tight housing and shops, the price is too expensive to scare people.

    Thinking of the price of his breakfast this morning, Li Yu thought the little brother's words made sense.

    Seeing the agreement in the expression of the youth, the younger brother has a certain compliment. "But I am very strange. The closer to the suburbs, the cheaper the rent. Why doesn't the proprietor open the store elsewhere?"

    Li Yu does business. Knowing nothing, shook his head and said he did not know, and continued to drink his own silently.

    See the little brother did not answer the opposite, and gossip from the other, "Which is your department, the first time I saw you."

    Lee fish, "the villain control center."

    Opposite them took a breath, "I first Seeing the people in the anti-control center. "

    Li Yu finally raised a little interest in gossip." Why? "

    " I heard from other departments. Your department can't keep people. "The little brother said mysteriously.

    Li Yu pouted and expressed disdain for the news, "I have known this for a long time."

    "Do you know the reason?" Asked the younger brother.

    "The mission is too dangerous, and I was scared away." I had to fall in love with the villain. It's hard to accept this alone.

    Brother ’s index finger shook around in the air, "The reason is that none of them have passed the assessment. I also heard about the conversations of other people. It is said that the assessment of the anti-control center is very perverted. Before performing the first task, write life and death. Like this, there are still people going on to succeed. "

    Li Yu asked," And then? "

    " Everyone was brushed off in the first task, it is said that the assessment score did not meet the standard. "

    " What is the assessment score? "Li The more the fish thinks, the more wrong it is. He has never heard of these things, nor has he experienced them.

    Brother, "Ninety-nine points."

    Li Yu, "..."

    Brother, "Isn't this fucking deliberately tricking people into playing."

    Li Yu's thoughts are tricky. Brush down.

    "It's just too much demand on the missionaries." The cold and indifferent voice inserted into the conversation between the two.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now