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Ying Han ignored the youth's gag, "I just wanted to repeat the content of the chat."

    Li Yu didn't seem to hear it, opened his eyes, and carefully observed the man's face.

    Handsome is really handsome, when it is scary, it is really scary, especially when the eyes are so big, just like eating people.

    He shook his head and sighed, with a tone of coming over, "Being a man, the most important thing is to see yourself, face yourself, your ears are red, which means you are full of emotions and easily excited. This is born, there is nothing unacceptable."

    Ying Han, "..."

    Song An's lips moved, thinking that the little brother's brain circuit was a little complicated.

    Li Yu did not disappoint the eldest brother. He added a sentence, "I searched for your neck before, I thought you were angry, now think about it, it should be shy."

    Men, all love face, so this is the word the voice very low.

    Ying Han's memory was hooked backwards by the youth's voice, remembering how the other side felt when he touched himself.

    There was a rush of heat from the chest to the forehead. When the young man's eyes widened slightly, he squeezed his lips in displeasure and turned to walk upstairs.

    Li Yu hurriedly lay on the handrail of the stairs, looking up and looking up. The man was in a hurry, which meant that he had escaped a bit.

    Gee, I'm a strong foreigner, I can't be so funny next time.

    It's really troublesome to provoke people.

    Li Yu sat back on the sofa, and the two of them immediately admired the thumbs up, "Great, just how dare you talk to him like this."

    "Why not?"

    "Ying Han has a gas field, you don't feel it Arrived? ”Song An shrank exaggeratedly.“ I was scared as soon as I saw him. ”

    Jack,“ He ’s always somber. ”It ’s

    a bit, but under normal circumstances, it ’s not so terrible.

    Taking a step back 10,000, even if Ying Han is a man-eating ghost, he has to bite the bullet and drill into his arms.

    Before he was admitted to the administration, Li Yu envied public officials who had eaten the national meal. Only after he passed the exam did he know that the appearance was bright and the inside was hard.

    So everything cannot be seen on the surface, and so are people.

    "Wait for a long time, just know each other." Li Yu held his chin and asked about his plans tonight.

    Song An, "Look for a big room and everyone stays together. For security reasons, if someone wants to do something alone, the other three must keep up."

    Jack agreed. "First stay through this night before I talk."

    As soon as the words fell, Li Yu stood up.

    "Why are you going?" Song An asked.

    Li Yu pointed to the ceiling, "Ying Han was alone on it, it was not safe."

    Think about it too, from the living room to the Yinghan room, it would take a few tens of seconds. It's a morning break.

    Song An waved with a big hand, "Let's go."

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now