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    The wires in the electrical box have been reconnected, and time is limited. You can only patch a patch first, and then wait for time to replace them all.

    Li Yu covered the toolbox for the man and tried to mention it. Shen was so dead, let alone two or thirty pounds.

    He took off his dirty gloves, put it in his trouser pocket, and pushed forward according to the young

    man's head. " Goed ." The voice-activated lights in the hallway were alarmed by the man's voice and lit up.

    The two walked into the elevator one after the other, and the weightlessness hit him. Li Yu realized that his nerves after a day of tension could finally relax.

    He let his body lean against the wall, his eyelids drooping, but he didn't dare to fall asleep.

    He leaned close to him, "I'll be there soon."

    "Oh." Li Yu's weight leaned toward the man, closing his eyes and sleeping.

    With a ding, the elevator stopped and he walked out staggeringly, and behind him, he held his shoulder to a certain degree, turning the person at an angle.

    When we walked to the door 444, the door opened automatically, leaving a gap.

    A pair of dark, dark eyes were hidden behind the gap, and after seeing who was in the corridor, they widened suddenly, and the child squeezed out sideways, plunging into the arms of the youth, holding tightly.

    Li Yu's sleepy bug was hit, and his abnormally sober brain told him that he had forgotten the little fart boy at home.

    "How did you come back." The child was wronged, his shoulders were shaking, and tears fell silently.

    Lin Xiaozhou played outside with his friends in the afternoon, and returned home at about six o'clock, looking forward to seeing his brother earlier, but waiting for a power outage.

    He is a man, of course not afraid, but he wants to be comforted by his parents in his arms like other children.

    Who knows how to wait and wait, his brother will not come back, even the big bad guy who usually comes to eat on time and on time is gone.

    In the dark room of the room, Lin Xiaozhou squeezed his knees on the sofa alone.

    On the wall directly opposite, the wall clock was ticking away, and he refused to stay cold for a minute and a second. He thought that Lin Zhouzhou had never been home so late. He must have wanted me.

    Lin Zhouzhou didn't want him, and the big bad guy wouldn't want him.

    Probably early tomorrow morning, he will be thrown out of this house, like a stray cat or puppy on the street, he has to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

    Thinking of his own psychological course, Lin Xiaozhou's nose became more sour, and he simply howled.

    Holding a few words of comfort, it was useless. Li Yu had to squat down and hug him tightly, embarrassed and distressed.

    Xu is crying too loudly, arguing with her neighbors.

    Uncle Li opened the door and stood at the door. His face was not good. "You two can really do it. You can't forget the child if you have a big day."

    Li Yuzheng wants to correct his attitude and admit his mistake.

    "I'm angry, " "I'm angry, and it's not my grandson." Uncle Li finished, and couldn't help but continue to count down, "This child is afraid of being hungry, and has been crying at home for a long time, if I had come to see it , I ca n’t figure out what happened. "

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now