reality 4

543 21 1

    The robots in the house are cleaning up. There is probably something wrong inside, and there is always a slight buzz.

    Li Yu was helpless about repairing the robot, touching his head as a comfort, planning to find time to take it for treatment.

    Back in the room, he lined up the nutrient solution, placed it on the bedside and reached it with a hand, and took a shower in the bathroom.

    Just lie down and ready to sleep, the system is online.

    Li Yu, "Welcome back."

    1551 is clearly in a good mood, "I don't have to worry about no signal and no internet anymore."

    Li Yu turned over with the quilt and lay on the bed instead. "Try it if you have a chance."

    When his eyelids were fighting, he opened his mouth and yawned. When his eyes touched the nutrient solution of different colors on the head of the bed, he remembered the man in the supermarket before, "1551, I met a strange person in the two days when you were away."

    1551, "How weird, specific."

    "I met him four times before and after. The first time was when I was hit by a bicycle. I crossed it that time. When I woke up at the end of the crossing, I was already in the hospital. It is the hospital where he asked his assistant to take me to the hospital. You should remember it. "

    " Remember, he didn't show up. Later, you also transferred his medical expenses and the account name was Zhuang. "

    " Well, the second time was TC's The technical team went to the administration to explain. The third time was the day before yesterday. My task woke up so sleepy that he took me to the guest room. By the way, at night K song, he was sitting next to me ... "The

    system couldn't help publishing opinion, "I think he wanted to soak you."

    Lee fish silence "I have this feeling."

    1551, "and once it?"

    Lee fish, "Just in front of you on the line, I ran into him at the supermarket, just that he sent me back."

    1551, "not that he It's just soaking you. "

    Li Yu, "..."

    1551 became harsher, "What do you think, the mission target is gone?"

    Li Yu shook his head and nodded again, "Yes, but I suspect that Zhuang Wei may be the mission target."

    "You There is evidence? "1551 said," If not, you still don't want to be fooled. If something goes wrong, I like both, I will look down on you. "

    Li Yu," ... "

    1551," Take two feet The boat is not good. "

    " You think too much. "Li Yu saw the light above his head dangling, his energy began to be unable to concentrate, and his voice was ambiguous." I like him alone, and don't want others. I just think Zhuang Wei is suspicious. "

    Before he had finished speaking, he couldn't sleep. Li Yu sat up holding the quilt and shook his head vigorously. "His talk and dress are not quite in line with his identity."

    "I'll check it for you." Quickly log in to the network and find Zhuang Wei's personal information in TC's open materials.

    I didn't expect it.

    It copied the information and put it on the light screen. Li Yu rubbed his eyes and yawned again. He endured the fatigue from beginning to end, and read it word by word.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now