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The child's blood licking stimulated the woman. She paled as if by a ghost, and lifted the vase to hit the child's head.

    The vase fell to the ground and fell apart.

    Li Yu was shocked and looked up. The child had already chased the woman away. There was no trace, and there was no sound on the ceiling.

    He searched all the way up and eventually found two people on the third floor.

    The child stood at the door, tilting his head and looking straight into the house.

    When Li Yu walked over, his eyes were full of blood. On the dark red floor, the shadow monster was squatting on the ground, poking a vague blood and blood.

    It was a heart, still beating.

    A child suddenly looked up, pulled a small hand of young love clothes, "Those blood is very beautiful, can be used to draw."

    Lee Fish creepy, "You do not care Xu."

    A child from the outset in disguise, let him succeed Misunderstood, this dream is just the epitome of Gu Xu's childhood.

    "I am!" The child growled, his hands holding his clothes tightening, like something was brewing.

    The shadow monster squatting in the room stood up after hearing the sound and chewed in his mouth.

    Li Yu dared to say, "You are not."

    "Every time you are abused, although you are crying, you never cry, and you don't hide the pleasure in your eyes. You don't say anything on purpose, you just want to see her collapse and go crazy, Do more irrational behavior. You use pain and hatred to breed the darkness in your heart, raise the monster and make him a tool for your killing. "The

    child was stimulated with red eyes," He is not a monster, he It's part of me. "

    Li Yu dragged his clothes back from the child's hand and bent down to stare." Children, you are not Gu Xu, you are his deputy personality. "The

    housekeeper once said that after Gu Xu was abused Squatting in the corner often, using his forehead to hit the wall again and again.

    Li Yu suspected that the person at that time might not be Gu Xu, but the one in front of him.

    Later, Xu Fang discovered Gu Xu's abnormality and sent him to treatment. The results of the treatment are all very happy, but in fact, the child does not want to be killed, so he hides deep in the consciousness of his personality.

    Or, it was Gu Xu who did n’t want to worry about his uncle, suppressed his deputy personality deep in his mind, and then put on a peaceful skin bag, which became known as Master Gu ’s master.

    Li Yu chewed his guess for a while and grabbed the child's collar. "The reason why Gu Xu kept the lights at night is because you like darkness, he is always guarding against your appearance." The

    child struggled. , Waved his hand to catch Li Yu's face, but his arms were too short to reach.

    His eyes were red with rage, "I'm going to kill you!"

    Li Yuhe screamed, just turned around and spanked. There was a movement in the room, and the shadow monster dragged his long arm out.

    He was covered with wet blood all over his body, and every time he took a step, there was a red footprint on the ground.

    Li Yu took the baseball bat from the toolbox and ran his teeth.

    The shadow monster was tall with long legs and reached him two steps in one step. It took a long time to catch up with the young man. The sharp hand knife wiped directly from his neck.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now