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   Daleson in the picture again put out his gentle and elegant mask, smiling, carrying a lunch box in his hand, his eyes soft as a loving father and father watching his baby son.

    Li Yu, "..."

    He couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on his arm.

    As if afraid of being attacked, or of fearing that he might cause panic to the other party, Dellson raised his hand slightly, indicating that he had no weapons, and the other hand holding the lunch box stretched forward.

    "Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious to you." He spoke softly. "I heard you were beaten up. It's really pitiful. Come over and let me see your wound."

    001 is still like the disheveled hair, slightly arched Back, silently confronted Dellson.

    Seeing this scene, Li Yu's heart instantly balanced.

    It can be guessed from the old perverted tone of Daleson that he is not the first to do such a thing, but 001 does not sell the account of this "old friend".

    "Hey, 001, aren't you hungry? See what I brought to you tonight?" Simple verbal communication doesn't help. Dellson decides to change his strategy and take the food temptation.

    However, 001 took a step back.

    Li Yu clearly saw that the expression on Dellson's face collapsed, and the light brown eyes had a dark haze, the facial muscles were tight, and even the corners of his eyes seemed to collapse.

    "It's a beast, an unfamiliar bastard, and a dirty bug." Dellson scolded several times in a row. "Don't pretend, I know you understand, you waste, you look at the foreign species on the ground, they How powerful. You, you are obviously a hybrid, and the genes of human and mermaid should be better fused, why is it such a disgusting look. "After

    saying so much at once, he was a little tired. There was a long breath.

    Immediately following, Li Yu saw a false and disgusting smile back on his face.

    Dellson smiled apologetically and said innocently, "Sorry, those words were not my sincere words. Come over and let me see your face. By the way, I also brought scissors. I can help you repair it. Hair. "

    This face turned faster than turning the book. Li Yu couldn't stand it anymore." Is he sick? Schizophrenia or something. "

    1551," No, his nerve function is normal, I have tested it ""

    Li Yu, "..."

    If the previous Dellson just made him disgusted, this now makes him more afraid.

    Li Yu even felt that this man with two sides and three knives and different appearances was more terrible than the aliens who blindly took a frontal attack.

    He took a deep breath, calmed his disgust, and turned his gaze back to the light screen.

    The positions of Dellson and 001 have changed a bit. The former is eagerly moving closer, but the latter is motionless, but the fist has been tightened. Li Yu can see that the muscles on his arm have been swelled and ready to go.

    Daleson didn't seem to realize the danger. The pace at his feet was very light and slow, but his eyes burst into excitement.

    No one knows that this is his closest time to 001.

    Daleson held his breath, shaking his hands with excitement, just as he watched him touch 001's arm-

    the man who kept quiet suddenly backed away, turned around and climbed up to the tree, crouching on the thick branch, looking down People.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now