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    Daleson walked back to the door with a weird smile. There was a master switch in the underground laboratory.

    He tapped the switch a few times, and the fish tank that had just returned to calm waved again.

    Li Yu was surprised to see that a black iron cage was put down from above the water.

    There was someone in the cage. He was wearing an oxygen mask, a wetsuit, and a fishing gun in his hand, making a standard posture for shooting.

    "Mr. Dellson, you ..."

    "Hush." ​​Dellson put his finger to his lips. "Don't be nervous, look carefully." The

    man whispered coyly, and his speech was full of trembling gloom.

    Li Yu's fingers clenched into a fist unconsciously, and his heartbeat continued to accelerate with the passage of time.

    He was afraid to see a bloody scene.

    The man in the cage also seemed a little nervous. His hands were shaking, especially when the mermaid swam towards him quickly. He took a step back, his back pressed against the cage and the trigger was pulled.

    The black hunting dart popped up and shot straight towards the face of the mermaid.

    Li Yu ’s heart was held by a hand, suffocating, suffocating, fearing, when all these emotions reached a critical point, the mermaid suddenly turned around, the flexible and powerful tail swept across the water, the stainless steel dart broke It became three.

    Daleson turned his head and smiled at the young man next to him, "This is their strength, and what you see today is only a small part of their ability ..."

    At this moment , the movement in the water interrupted Gave him an exciting commentary.

    The mermaid did not stop the attack and continued to move forward. Something like a bone spur grew on the back of his hand, easily cutting off the metal padlock hanging outside the cage.

    The diver in the cage widened his eyes in horror and slapped the cage desperately, trying to get Dyerson to raise the cage.

    However, those who stood outside in control of his life and death did not respond.

    Li Yu, "Professor!"

    Delson slammed him fiercely this time, "Shut up!"

    Li Yu closed his eyes, "1551, save people."

    "Immediately." 1551 left the words and disappeared.

    The padlock cut off by the bone spurs fell vertically to the bottom of the water. The mermaid had violently removed the cage door and reached out to pull the diver out.

    Just then, a miracle happened, and the cage suddenly rose rapidly, throwing the mermaid down.

    Daleson froze, rushed to the door, and poked on the display constantly, with a curse in his mouth, "Damn, what the hell is going on!"

    Li Yu didn't breathe completely until the cage was completely removed from the water, knee Soft, leaning against the glass.

    The male mermaid, who had hit the glass, returned empty-handed, but he slashed his teeth at the young man and did not attack any more.


    No matter how he presses, Dellson jumps like a thunder. Nothing happens on the screen and fingerprint recognition fails.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now