reality 6

324 15 0

  Zhuang Wei walked towards the elevator, reading the documents in his hand, and read every word carefully.

    The document was a photocopy they obtained from inside the administration. In order not to cause suspicion, they did not remove the original and continued to leave it in the highest archive.

    The whole document is actually nothing special, just some of Li Yu's life experience from small to large, from finding a job to an exam, to eating and drinking Lhasa, like a running account for more than 20 years.

    But on the last two pages, Li Yu's annual mental fluctuations are recorded.

    From the time he was born to 5 years old, when he was most active in the fluctuation of his mental power, the lines on the wave chart fluctuated greatly. If he changed a normal person, such brain fluctuations meant that he was crazy.

    From 6 years old to 18 years old, the fluctuations in this period of time have gradually flattened and have an upward trend.

    For the remaining seven years, the young man's mental ability has been steadily increasing. Until a month ago, his mental ability suddenly dropped to a critical point.

    Zhuang Wei thought about the pale and languishing face when he saw each other a month ago. The young man at that time was like a duckweed without roots, so weak that as long as the water was rippling, he could be taken anywhere.

    The fingers holding the document suddenly tightened and suddenly released.

    The assistant was uncomfortable because of the dead atmosphere in the elevator. His head hurt, and he unknowingly shrank into the corner.

    With a jingle, the elevator door opened, and at the same time as the man's thoughts were interrupted, the gloomy air in the elevator dissipated.

    Zhuang Wei tucked the document back into the file bag and lifted his foot out.

    Today's rain was unusually heavy. Pea-sized raindrops hit the car opposite the building, making a ping-pong bang.

    The assistant opened the umbrella one second before the big boss stepped into the rain screen, and kept pace with it. He waited for the other party to enter the back seat and then propped his umbrella into the co-pilot.

    The driver on standby raised his eyes and met his eyes in the rearview mirror, "Sir."

    Zhuang Wei, "Go to the headquarters." In the

    rental house, Li Yu finished the dishes and put the remaining meals into the refrigerator.

    Before closing the door, I couldn't help twisting a piece of meat into my mouth with my hands, still the original formula and taste.

    In the last world, after all things were over, 001 took over the cooking work. Li Yu had eaten for decades and had formed a conditioned reflex on the food he had made.

    Only a small taste of the first mouth, he knew that what Zhuang Wei made was exactly the same as what he remembered.

    This cannot be copied by anyone.

    Chewing on two bites, I couldn't help twisting a bit into my mouth, closing the refrigerator with a reluctant mood, intending to save the rest until tomorrow.

    The system is absent and there is no work to deal with. Li Yu watched TV for a while and went to bed.

    The heavy rain lasted from the evening of the previous day until the early morning of the next day, and there was no intention to stop.

B.1: I Cried After I Got on the Bar with the Villain [Quick Transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now