part 24

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Jessie: not now we're in an important meeting.

James: but is ignoring it the correct answer?

Jessie: for the love of evil! (Grabs the remote as a hologram appears)

Team rocket: Giovanni sir!

???: You are to respond to communications immediately!

Jessie: well, well if it isn't Matori miss not invited to our rocket bash. Where's Giovanni, what do you want? Where in the middle of something much more important than seeing your frozen face!

Matori: Giovanni is engaging with real team rocket business.

Jessie: fine! Bye then. (Turns it off)

James: what if she called us for some critical mission! Oh no!

(Snatches it back and puts it back on)

Matori: before passionately carrying out your duties. You're all hereby ordered to take a special leave of absence at once. These orders are direct and unconventional and need to be followed to the letter.

Team rocket: (surprised) vacation?

(With Goh, Ash and (Y/N))

Goh: hey that's a pretty nice looking place.

Ash: professor Cerise what are we looking at?

Cerise: this is the Sinnoh regions resort area. It's said that there's a giant Pokémon in that lake.

Goh: giant!

(Y/N): really!

Ash: what kind of pokemon is it!

Ren: you see nobody seems to know to know. I witnessed reports tell of a gigantic shadow located within that lake. Something that jumps up to unbelievable heights.

Chrysa: the truth is that there's lots of trainers gathering there and try to be the one to catch that pokemon.

Ash: let's check it out! I want to see it!

Goh: and I'll be he one to catch it!

(Y/N): and I'll be able to bring Arrokuda, squirtle and mudkip and that makes three of today's crew so let's go!

(With team rocket)

Jessie: blue waters!

James: blue skies!

Meowth: the greenest grass growing!

Team rocket: paradise.

James: a resort is the only place for a vacay.

Meowth: let the water wash our cares away

Jessie: even evil doers like us need to kick back every now and then.

James: true. Let's just forget the twerp and Pikachu.

Meowth: who are those three?

Ash: (in the distance) so this is the resort area.

(They jolt up from the deck chairs and look)

Ash: I want to go swimming.

(Y/N): I want to play about in the water with my pokemon.

Goh: I'm telling you we don't have time.

(They look over as team rocket look away)

Jessie: (quietly) how do we forget them now.

James: (quietly) play it cool.

Goh: sorry to bother you-

Team rocket: so are we!!!

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