Part 151 (masters 8 2 arc begins)

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(A/N): I'm gonna have fun since this is gonna be a controversial arc of mine and you'll see why.

(We start off in Kanto as we see Ash travelling as we see him and Pikachu walking)

(A/N): by the way I rolled a D8 for this bit with 1 being Kanto and 8 being Galar and I bet you can't guess what I rolled eh. I tell ya things write itself sometimes 

Ash: hey buddy, look at that!

(We see them running and exploring and observing the surroundings and all the Pokémon as Ash sees a pidgey stuck in a tree as he goes over and helps it by getting its leg free as pidgey flies out and flies around Ash looking happy and saying thank you)

Ash: it was no problem, now you make sure to keep yourself safe (Pikachu speaks too as the pidgey nods and flies away as the two keep on their journey and as they keep walking and not looking where they're going as they bump into someone)

???: hey!

Ash: sorry!

(They look at one another as they recognise each other)

(Y/N): Ash!

Ash: (Y/N)!

(They get back up and fist bump one another)

Ash: what're you doing here?

(Y/N): well before I answer that I thought I'd just say the way this path goes in the direction you are heading leads to saffron city and as for me well I'm heading that way (points at the direction he's come from) is because me and Chloe are doing research fellow duties and we've had to split up and we're doing this in order to see what's going on so Chloe is heading back to the Cerise laboratory to look into anything weird going on whether it be from satellites, weird energy signatures and readings or anything destructive going on to make the Pokémon of a route nearby to act up.

Ash: let me help too!

(Y/N): (grins) wouldn't have it any other way, then let's go!

(They head off as they reach the destination, the place they are in comparison to the games would be route 11 as they reach the route as there's loads of land surrounded by trees as they see holes all over the ground)

(Y/N): there's holes everywhere?

Ash: what's going on?

(We then see a bunch of diglett stick their heads out the holes)

(Y/N): diglett? What are they doing here?

(Then another thing they see is something moving under the ground as it goes under a tree and the tree falls over presumably because the roots under it were destroyed as the thing borrowed through them as the tree collapses as we see some bird Pokémon flying out as Ash and (Y/N) dodge out the way as they see a dugtrio surface)

Ash: why aren't they in their tunnel?

(Y/N): I don't know but we need to figure this out. (Looks at an unclaimed tree as some bird Pokémon are fighting to make it their new home) and fast.

(He receives a call as he answers it)

(Y/N): yes?

Chloe: (over the phone) we've located some weird activities going on in Diglett tunnel, I don't n know if that relates to this current problem but that's something to check out, and please don't be too reckless.

(Y/N): (over the phone) thanks Chloe, you just confirmed our suspicions. There's diglett and dugtrio all over the place out here. Right, well me and Ash definitely know where to go now, thanks! 

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