Part 27

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((Y/N) wakes up during the night in a cold sweat)

(Y/N): what the heck happened yesterday there were magikarp with big muscles and a hassle with a slowking crown and a magikarp flying down from space and Ashking and Gohking. There was no way that was real was it? Please just be a nightmare

(Falls back asleep hesitantly)

(Timeskip: Cerise laboratory in Cerise park)

Ash: riolu give me a couple of vacuum waves! Mimey dodge them!

(Riolu fires off 2 vacuum waves as mimey uses its mime martial arts to dodge it)

Ash: riolu force palm! Mimey quickly use reflect

(Mimey uses reflect and blocks the force palm although it skids back in the process)

Ash: nice work riolu.

(With Goh)

Goh: now farfetch'd a super pokeball take shot!

(Throws a baseball)

(Farfetch'd goes to swing it's leek)

Goh: not yet! Wait for it.

(Farfetch'd stops and sweats until the ball gets closer and then hits it away)

Goh: great job!

(With (Y/N)

(Y/N): squirtle, mudkip water gun! Ivysaur block it with razor leaf!

(Y/N): zigzagoon tackle, tropius headbutt!

(Ivysaur shoots out razor leaf and the water guns cancel out the razor leaves whilst zigzagoon and tropius hits zigzagoon with a headbutt only for zigzagoon to respond with a tackle)

(Y/N): honedge cut these in half, espurr dodge with double team!

(Starts throwing tennis balls at honedge and espurr as honedge cuts them in half and espurr uses double team to avoid them as the balls hit all the fake espurrs)

(Y/N): good job everyone!

Cerise: (Y/N), Ash, Goh.

Goh: professor Cerise?

Cerise: I've got a present for you three.

Ash/Goh: a present.

(Y/N): what is it?

(Hands a ticket to all three of them)

Cerise: tickts to a world coronation series master class battle!

Ash: are you saying we get to see Leon battle!

Cerise: you've got it.

Ash: alright!

(Suddenly Dragonite flies down and wants to go as ivysaur comes over aswell)

(Y/N): and we'll get to watch a cool fight!

Goh: and I get to catch more Galar Pokémon! (To farfetch'd) hey you want to come along?

(Farfetch'd gives a thumbs up)

Ash/Goh: get ready Galar!

(Y/N): let's go!

(At the stadium)

Announcer: greetings everyone! Welcome to the battle of the toughest.

Goh: oh no we're going to be late! And it's all because you two and to have seconds!

(Y/N): hey! I had no breakfast this morning so I was hungrier than normal.

Ash: and you ordered seconds for dessert remember!

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