Part 150 (crown tundra finale)

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(We start off at the base as everyone is healed up and ready to head out as Peony informs them as their next expedition)

Peony: right listen up, here in the crown tundra there is this giant tree at a place called "dyna tree hill" where'd it's said he giant tree there is imbued with dynamax energy hence why it's giant and filled with giant very nutritional berries that contain this energy within them whatever all that means and while that'd be a great mystery to solve what you two are going there for s not for the tree but for Pokémon as it's said these three weird bird Pokémon go there and feats on the berries.

Zoro: why?

Peony: good question, I know what you're thinking we're looking for the mysteries of this place and encounter legendary Pokémon but that's the thing these bird Pokémon apparently have an incredibly strong resemblance to the legendary birds of moltres, articuno and zapdos

(Y/N): HUH?!

Zoro: really?

Peony: that's what sightings and reports of people have said and it's up to you two to explore it and find out the validity of those claims, I'll hang at base again. Are you two ready to head out and do the quest of... uhhh...

Zoro: can we go now?

Peony: no, no, no wait a minute I'm thinking of a name. Uhhh.... Oh I got it! "A legendary tree of a legendary three"!

(Y/N): you gotta admit when you give him time he does come up with some banger names.

Zoro: whatever let's just go.

(Y/N): right.

Peony: and so the expedition begins!

(The two trainers head outside and ready to set off as (Y/N)'s phone buzzes as he looks at the notification)

(Y/N): Peony has given us directions on how to get there

Zoro: that's great because let's be honest neither of us knew where we're were going and neither wanted the humiliation of scuttling back to Peony to ask the embarrassing question of "how do we get there?"

(Y/N): you're not wrong. Let's get going!

(They head off to the giant's bed again and reach the old cemetery)

(Y/N): it's this way

Zoro: hey (Y/N), what will we do when we see those legendary birds that look like moltres, zapdos and articuno?

(Y/N): nothing much, maybe we get a pro tire of them to show proof we've seen them but I don't think we need to battle them unless it's necessary or they cause trouble to other people and Pokémon.

Zoro: sounds boring

(Y/N): how about a little game then? If we have to battle them we have a competition to see who can battle and catch the most, first to catch two of three wins.

Zoro: you're on!

(Y/N): right it's just down this little bit of water then, though hopefully we won't have to battle them and disrupt things.

(Small Timeskip as they get to the other side as they reach this big area as it has 4 pathways with a giant tree in the middle and has a little lake around that is sorta like a mote)

(Y/N): we're here and that tree is no joke, it's ginormous.

Zoro: hey look there.

(They look to see this big bird to fly in as it's black with little bits of red on it as it has black wings with flames coming out of it as they burn a scarlet red colouration as it's eyes are blue)

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