Part 87

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Ash: you wanna do another battle in the world coronation series right now?

(Y/N): yeah, I need to if I wanna catch up to Camilla and to you and I know someone who wants to battle me

Goh: who is it?

(Y/N): it's Korrina

Ash: Korrina!

(Y/N): so I'm off to the Shalour city gym.

Ash: we can go see it with you!

(We cut over to the Shalour city gym)

(Y/N): hey! Korrina!

Korrina: hey (Y/N), you ready to accept my challenge?

(Y/N): yeah!

Korrina: let's do it. Just like old times.

(Y/N): you better believe it.

(They get on the battlefield as we see Korrina's rank is 154 as he accepts the challenge as a rotom drone flies down)

Rotom drone: for today's Pokémon world coronation series great class battle each of you are allowed to use 3 Pokémon, will each of you bring out your Pokémon! Battle begin in 3... 2... 1 go!

(Y/N)/Korrina: go! (Korrina sends out Mienshao as (Y/N) sends out gliscor)

Korrina: Mienshao use acrobatics!

(Y/N): use acrobatics too!

(Both Pokémon use acrobatics and they clash)

(Y/N): sand attack! 

(Gliscor flies around as it hits sand up at Mienshao)

(Y/N): faster!

(Gliscor goes faster and faster until it's like a tornado of sand blocking out Mienshao's sight of Gliscor)

(Y/N) thoughts: this is a decent strategy, the significant issue is while gliscor's doing this it can't attack but it gives the best chance for an opening 

Goh: so it's this strategy.

Korrina: sense where Gliscor is and use high jump kick!

(Mienshao closes it's eyes and focuses and when it can feel gliscor it jumps high above the swirling sand as uses high jump kick hitting gliscor)

Goh: it hit?!

(Y/N): gliscor!

(We see gliscor get back up)

Korrina: u turn!

 (Y/N): dodge it! Then acrobatics!

(Gliscor dodges the u turn and hits the acrobatics)

(Y/N): now x scissor!

(Gliscor flies in with x scissor hitting Mienshao)

Korrina: now use high jump kick!

(Y/N): acrobatics!

(The two attacks clash as high jump kick overpowers acrobatics as Gliscor is sent to the ground)

Korrina: again! High jump kick!

(Mienshao goes for it again)

(Y/N): meet it head on!

(Gliscor flies up)

(Y/N): use x scissor and spin really fast!

(Gliscor spins really fast as the two attacks clash and the spinning x scissor out powers the high jump kick)

(Y/N): now use slash!

(Gliscor uses slash critically hitting Mienshao and sends it to the floor)

(Y/N): x scissor!

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