Part 35

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(We start off in Cerise Park where both Dragonite and most of Goh's bug types that have wings/can fly, next we see all of Goh's water types along with squirtle, mudkip, arrokuda and finneon with all of Goh's flabebe floating above the water and sandile, doduo, paras and parasect and oddish near the water. Next we see all Goh's bird Pokemon along with rookidee and phantump, weedle,caterpie, squovet and ekans and applin hanging out in the trees. After that we see heracross and darmanitan arm wrestling with cubone, honedge and espurr nearby cheering on the two arm wrestling Pokemon and pinsir hiding behind the tree watching heracross with three tauros resting nearby and zigzagoon in it's den that's nearby with Nickit sneaking closer. After that we see ivysaur and Maractus interacting with tropius, kangaskhan and Onix nearby)

Ash: things are sure hopping around here you know.

Goh: for sure.

Ash: you're going to catch more aren't you.

Goh: of course.

(Y/N): hey don't count me out either.

Goh: I'm excited to see what you catch

(Y/N): I was about to say the same thing.

Ash: so what Pokemon are you two going to catch next huh.

(Y/N): I'll just go with the flow.

Goh: what else? Any Pokemon I need, all of them.

(Y/N): yeah especially silcoon and beautifly, bet you thought I forgot.

Goh: the contrary, I was waiting for you to say it.

(Y/N): you've accepted I'm not letting this go. Acceptance can go along way but sometimes it's even better not to accept things.

Ash: (laughs) I should've known this would've happened between you two.

Chrysa: hello Goh, (Y/N) and Ash! I brought some snacks. I'll leave them in the lunchroom, so enjoy!

Ash/Goh: thanks!

(Y/N): your hospitality is really appreciated! Thank you so much!

(Meanwhile Mimey is miming making a drink as Mimey places nothing on the table next to Goh.

Goh: (sweatdrops) uh thanks.

Ash: (eating) I was getting really hungry so perfect timing. This is really good, you want some Pikachu?

(Offers food to Pikachu who takes it and offers his food to Ash as they both take a bite and enjoy it)

Ash: it's so good!

Goh: I really love how the two of you are.

(Raboot shares some food with sobble)

Goh: (has an epiphany) I got it!

Ash: (almost choking on food from shock from Goh's shouting) what was that about!

Goh: I'm going to catch a Pikachu!

Ash: huuuuuh! That was awfully quick!

Goh: if I'm going to catch one of every Pokemon then I've got to catch a Pikachu too am I right.

Ash: yeah I guess so but...

Goh: here I come Pikachu!

(Y/N): and I'm going to Johto again!

Ash/Goh: huuuuuuh! That was awfully sudden!

(Y/N): before you say it I'm not visiting my mother this time.

Ash: you'll miss out on another adventure with us!

Goh: yeah!

(Y/N): don't worry I won't be as long as last time. If anything I should be back before you're done. Speaking of I'm taking Dragonite, ivysaur, Nickit, kangaskhan and rookidee with me today so bye.

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