part 17

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Ash: more than 10,000! That's alot of trainers.

(Ash gets up and cheers)

Ash: alright!

Goh: well that's the coronation series for you. It's really popular.

(Meanwhile raboot opens one eye and looks over)

Ash: great right!

Goh:  I'll say. I bet you'll even get a Pokémon battle today as well. The more rivals you have the more fired up you can get!

(Y/N): really? I don't think I've ever actually had a rival before now that I think about it.

(Looks at his phone)

Ash: woah and more trainers are entering after me too!

Ren: look at that everyone starts competing in the normal class and beyond that are the great class, ultra class and master class.

Cerise: the starting point is the same for everyone and a trainer's momentum depends on how they do in their first match. That first battle is important.

Ash: right! (To Pikachu) Let's do this what do you say?

Goh: what are you going to do?

Ash: well if I want to reach Leon then the first step is to get into the great class and that means there's one thing to do. Win, win and win!

(Pikachu copies Ash and so does gengar)

Ash: yeah? Are you into this too.

(Gengar smiles)

Ren: I've heard to boost your ranking in one shot is battle a trainer who is already pretty high in the rankings.

Chrysa: that means battling a strong trainer.

Ash: I wonder if there's is any trainers nearby who have already entered. The toughest trainer I can find.

Goh: always getting ahead of yourself.

Cerise: why not do some research. Try vermillion city.

(Y/N): already on it.

(Looks through his phone)

(Y/N): how about him?

(Shoes him a trainer who is ranked 10,000)

Ash: I want someone even tougher.

(Y/N): okay how about this guy at the ... Vermillion city gym?

(Shows him with the rank of 2109)

Ash: yeah! I'll choose that trainer!

(Ash goes through his phone and selects him)

Cerise: ranked 2109. Isn't that the acting vermillion city gym leader.

Ash: oh I remember that guy I think Lt Surge was his name.

(Meanwhile (Y/N) is laughing in the background)

Ash: what?

(Y/N): (wipes a tear from his eye) nothing.

Cerise: you're right Ash but at the present time he's away on a training journey working to strengthen his electric type Pokémon.

Ash: wow, a training journey.

Cerise: but Visquez is running things whilst he's away.

Goh: are you sure you want a tough opponent right off the bat

(Y/N): Goh you realise this is Ash right?

Ash: I'm totally psyched!

(Timeskip: they're running to the gym)

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