Part 102 (short chapter)

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(We see they're on a plane to Sinnoh, as they head to the Lily of the Valley conference)

(Y/N): so he doesn't use mega evolution, dynamax or z moves?

Ash: not when I battled him

Goh: he sounds really strong. So who are you going to use?

(Y/N): you'll just have to find out.

(Timeskip: the battle is starting)

Announcer: It's the Pokémon world coronation series with todays battle in the Lily of the valley!

(We see loads of people in the crowd cheering)

Announcer: and here are two trainers going head to head in this ultra class battle! First, currently ranked 15th, he's been tearing it up in the ultra class with ease as he's defeated the likes of  Volkner, Wulfric and even elite 4 member Bertha, a powerful trainer, Tobias!

(Tobias walks down to his side of the battlefield as people cheer as he doesn't say anything)

Announcer: and facing him in the ultra class, currently ranked 45th, from the Johto region it's (Y/N)!

(We see (Y/N) walk out as he stops half way as he looks around at everyone in the crowd as they all look at him, he then has this big grin on his face as he walks to his side of the battlefield, just like he did last time as people begin cheering for him)

Announcer: todays battle will be 2 vs 2!

Rotom drone: will both trainers please bring out their Pokémon in 3... 2... 1... go!

(Y/N)/Tobias: I choose you!/go!

((Y/N) sends out wispeon as Tobias sends out darkrai)

Goh: so his first choice is Wispeon.

Ash: a ghost on dark type battle, I'm so pumped!

Goh: wouldn't a fairy type like gardevoir, hattrem or Morgrem a better choice?

Ash: nah, he'll be fine.

Rotom phone: begin!

Tobias: dark void!

(Y/N): dodge it!

(Wispeon disappears as the dark void misses)

(Y/N): now use double team!

(Suddenly loads of Wispeon appear)

Tobias: interesting strategy choice, darkrai use dark pulse!

(Darkrai uses dark pulse as it hits all the wispeon around it and above it)

(Y/N): shadow ball!

(We see eyes and a mouth that look angry appear below darkrai catching darkrai off guard as wispeon's full body appears and fires a shadow ball hitting darkrai knocking it to the ground)

(Y/N): alright!

Announcer: darkrai has been hit!

Tobias: well done. However, you will need more than that. Dark void!

(Darkrai emerges from the ground behind Wispeon by going through it and reappearing and firing dark void which hits Wispeon as it falls to the ground asleep)

Ash: oh no!

Announcer: dark void has hit and Wispeon is in the danger zone!

Tobias: use dream eater!

(Darkrai uses dream eater over and over)

Tobias: dark pulse!

(Darkrai uses dark pulse hitting wispeon as it's flung back but is still asleep as we see wispeon is also being hurt while it's asleep)

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