Part 77

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(We see the project mew ship as we see Quillon watching a screen with alolan ninetails on it as he has a weavile with him, which we actually saw before in the ninetails episode I think)

Quillon: steer clear of Pokémon hunters, don't let them ever catch you again.

(We see the alolan ninetails looking happy as his face seems soft and kinder then usual)

Danika: so you are able to make that kind of a face. (We see her with her azumaril)

Quillon: hmph (looks away) 

Danika: everything's looking up, the alolan ninetails should be fine.

Quillon: the tracks the hunters left?

Danika: got them. We're heading there now. (Quillon starts to walk away) Aren't you interested at all in the trainer that caught that Pokémon? You're the person who first failed him and then passed him, aren't you?

Quillon: just say what you mean.

Danika: well whatever. The point is it's about time for that trainer's first trial mission.

Quillon: I don't really care.

(Quillon walks to another part of the ship)

Danika: he totally does care.

(At the lab)

Goh: ahhh! It's here, it's here! Project mew just sent over my fiery first trial mission!

Ash: and? What's it say?

(Y/N): spill, spill!

Goh: let's see. It says I should definitely consider using my Pokémon's different skills in order to get to the goal. I've got three choices?

Ash: three?

Goh: it says I should choose the mission I feel most comfortable with put of these three. Let's see... there! I'll choose this. It says I should gather a volcarona's golden scale.

Ash: volcanrona wow! But what exactly do they mean by golden scales?

(Y/N): yeah volcarona are typically orange,

Cerise: perhaps you finding that out is the point of the mission. Say Chrysa, please put the data up on the monitor.

Chrysa: of course.

(They show a normal volcarona)

Chrysa: volcarona, the sun Pokemon, a bug/fire type. Volcarona emerge from a flaming cocoon. It scatters burning scales from its 6 wings bad thing the area in a sea of fire.

Ash: so it's the burning scales that are golden?

Ren: it could be possible that it can give off scales with a truly golden colour.

Cerise: that's what your mission's about. Discovering amazing things like that.

Goh: that sounds great! Now where can we see lots of volcarona.

(Y/N): that'll be hard since volcarona are incredibly rare Pokemon.

Goh: let's see. (Sees on his phone) at the desert resort in Unova!

Ash: didn't we go there?

Goh: that's right it contains the colossus ruins where we caught golurk and it had a golden room which if I'm right could mean there's a golden volcarona located there!

Ash: that's awesome! We should go to Unova right away!

Ash/Goh: let's go!

(Y/N): let's try something new... wait, wait, wait I got it!

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