part 9

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News reporter: we're joined today by a ship's captain who was saved by a dragonite so Lets hear what he has to say.

Goh: I've heard about this. How dragonite are known for rescuing people in danger

(Y/N): dragonite? Awesome! I spy with my little eye another adventure coming along

Ash: I'd love to see one

(Y/N): um ash?

Ash: yeah?

((Y/N) points to his dragonite next to him who is on the ground depressed from what ash has said)

Ash: sorry dragonite what I meant was I'd love to see wild dragonite

Cerise: that may not even be possible.

Ash: why not?

Ren: I'll tell you why not. First it has to evolve into a Dragonair before it evolves into a dragonite. Despite its popularity as a Pokémon few sightings have been made of it in the wild.

Chrysa: we're still not sure of its natural habitat

(Y/N): I was lucky as I started with dratini in my journey without all the way back at blackthorn city in johto without my partner being a dratini and evolving all the way to dragonite I probably would've never had or caught one.

Cerise: though there is a rumour there's an island that's only inhabited by dragonite.

Ash: an island full of dragonite!

Cerise: so they say.

(Suddenly dragonite starts getting happy and excited which is seen by (Y/N))

(Y/N): you know this place buddy?

(Dragonite nods)

(Y/N): did you come from there while you were a dratini? how did you get off?

(Dragonite nods at the first question and is remind (Y/N) on how he was given to him by the lady)

(Y/N): oh! You left and wandered off somewhere and got lost and seperated from your friends and family at a kind of young age until you were discovered and you willingly went with people? And by chance it was people from blackthorn to give away for starting trainers? That's kinda messed up. Did you know anyone there?

(Dragonite nods)

(Y/N): lets go to see if we can meet and reunite you with any of your friends

(Dragonite roars in agreement and hugs (Y/N) and swing him around)

Cerise: fascinating!

Goh: about that rumour

(Shows rotom phone which shows all sightings of dragonite)

Goh: all sighting data of dragonite over the past few years. This is the result

Ash: it looks like they're all in one area

Goh: seems suspicious to me

(Y/N): so what do you two say?

Ash/Goh: we're right with you!

(Y/N): lets go to dragonite island!

(Cut to the trio sailing on a ship where we see goh with lots of pokeballs)

Ash: so many pokeballs

(Y/N): (sweatdrops) don't you thinks that's a bit overboard?

Goh: no it's necessary if I'm going to catch he entire evolution chain starting with dratini

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