part 1

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((A/N) skipping pikachu's backstory, I apologize if you enjoyed it, as (Y/N) is not involved so starting from episode 2 and skip some filler episodes such as episode 26 and the dreaded marshtomp filler episode, which was episode 41 or 42 I think)

~alarm clock ringing~

No-one POV

(Pikachu wakes up after the alarm clock rings)

Pikachu: ~yawns~

(Pikachu then goes towards his trainer ash Ketchum and slaps him to wake him however)

Ash: ~snores~

(A tick mark appears on an annoyed Pikachu and he uses thunderbolt on the sleeping trainer)

Ash: ~snores~

Next the door to his room opens revealing none other than his mother Delia Ketchum

Delia: Ash Ketchum are you still asleep you'll be late getting to professor oak's lab

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Delia: Ash Ketchum are you still asleep you'll be late getting to professor oak's lab

She comes in and slaps his cheek and a sudden ruckus in the house is heard


Delia: because you insisted you could get up on your own


Ash's POV

Me and Pikachu are running towards professor oak's lab and we finally get there


Prof oak: oh it's you ash

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Prof oak: oh it's you ash

Ash: what do you want to talk to me about

Prof oak: a protege of mine has just opened up a new research facility in vermilion city and I was hoping to invite you to the opening ceremony. You will come won't you?

Ash: sure! (to Pikachu) You'll come too right
Pikachu (nods)

Delia: I'd love to

Mimey: mime mime

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