Part 117

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(We start off at the lab as (Y/N) gets a message on his phone)

???: change of plan. Instead of meeting at the lumious conference I'll be meeting you at the castle of chivalry later today.

(Y/N): alright i'll head over.

Ash: (Y/N), are you coming?

(Y/N): sorry I have to go to the castle of chivalry.

Goh: that's okay, we're gonna head out and I'm gonna catch some more Pokémon!

Ash: and I'm gonna go do some training with my Pokémon. (We see his full journeys team behind him as he returns them to their pokeballs obviously except for Pikachu)

(Y/N): right well I'll see you two later!

Ash/Goh: see ya later! (They run off)

Chloe: hope your training goes well 

(Y/N): what will you be doing today?

Chloe: you know, watering flowers, going to school, the usual.

(Y/N): well I hope you have a good day too.

(They both hug as they're both blushing since they're still not used to them being a couple now)

 there now castle of chivalry as we see (Y/N) and Wikstrom as we see bisharp and Aeigislash clashing and training and Wikstrom's scizor is training with Hattrem as we also see dragapult training with escavalier and Venusaur training with probopass and ferrothorn training with thievul as Toxtricity is training with a klefki as they begin to finish and take a break)

Wikstrom: I think we should take a break from the training..

(Y/N): okay. (Looks over) huh?

(We see Toxtricity about to use nuzzle as the electricity gets more and more as it gets more amped up and excited as it then launches a massive amount electricity hitting klefki)

(Y/N): alright that was overdrive, my Pokémon are really levelling up. Way to go Toxtricity (Toxtricity gives  thumbs up)

Toxtricity moveset: acid,boom burst, discharge, overdrive

Dragapult moveset: quick attack, breaking swipe, dragon darts, phantom force 

(The rest have not changed except that venusaur has petal blizzard instead of petal dance)

(Timeskip: they're all having a break now as someone else enters)

Drasna: oh my, oh my, I never expected to see you here.

(Y/N): Drasna? What are you doing here?

Wikstrom: ah lady Drasna, have you come to do some more training again.

Drasna: why yes I have.

Wikstrom: why don't you train with us.

Drasna: that sounds fun. Come on out everyone (sends out all 6 of her Pokémon as we see her Altaria, noivern, druddigon, dragalge, hydreigon and salamence) 

Wikstrom: actually may I propose an idea?

(Y/N): what is it?

Wikstrom: if we're here to help you train and with all these Pokémon out at once can be a little hard to manage it so I propose a 3 vs 3 battle against me and then a 3 vs 3 against Lady Drasna.

(Y/N): I'm down for that.

Drasna: my, my, what a good idea.

(We see him and Wikstrom on a battlefield as Drasna is gonna be refereeing the match)

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