Part 110

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(We start off in Kalos as (Y/N) was invited somewhere as we see him and he's met up with a certain blond haired man as we see a barbaracle and a Blastoise)

Siebold: greetings. Welcome to my restaurant.

(Y/N): yeah you invited me.

Siebold: please let's continue this conversation on my private battlefield.

(They arrive there)

(Y/N): so why did one of the Kalos Elite 4 invite me here?

Siebold: well you should be fighting Alain tomorrow so I thought for him to get the best match possible and for me to test your skills as I've been wanting to meet you for a while. You along with that Ash Ketchum aren't just a buzz on the world coronation series you're both the whole dang nest. 

(Y/N): I see.

Siebold: now we shall both present our teams.

(Y/N): sure can do. ((Y/N) sends out kangaskhan, Frogadier, Aeigislash, Dragonite, bouffalant and gliscor)

Siebold: come on out (along side his Blastoise and barbaracle he sends out clawitzer, Gyarados, starmie and quagsire)

Siebold: now it will be a 3 on 3, preferably use the three Pokémon you'll use in the battle.

(Y/N): okay well first up is Frogadier (Frogadier hops onto the battlefield)

Siebold: interesting choice, clawitzer you're up. (Clawitzer gets ready to battle) you can make the first move if you'd like.

(Y/N): okay then. Frogadier use power up punch!

(Frogadier rushes in with power up punch)

Siebold: dark pulse!

(Clawitzer uses dark pulse hitting Frogadier as it doesn5 seem fazed as it delivers a power up punch)

Siebold: hmmm interesting. Now use dragon pulse.

(Y/N): ice beam!

(Frogadier let's the dragon pulse hit it and then it proceeds to use ice beam hitting clawitzer who charges in)

Siebold: aura sphere.

(Y/N): dodge it!

(Clawitzer fires aura sphere as Frogadier dodges it but Clawitzer grabs it in its giant claw and then creates another one inside its claw and hits Frogadier)

(Y/N): frogadier dark pulse!

Siebold: water pulse!

(Frogadier uses dark pulse as Clawitzer uses dragon pulse as the two attacks clash)

(Y/N): aerial ace!

(Frogadier hides in the dust and strikes as the dust settles)

Siebold: good but not good enough use water pulse.

(Clawitzer fires wtaer pulse knocking Frogadier back as it skids but Clawitzer is already in front of it)

Siebold: dragon pulse 

(Y/N): ice beam!

(Clawitzer fires a point blank dragon pulse as Frogadier tries to protect itself with ice beam as the attacks hit as we see both Pokémon fall to the ground unable to battle as they're both returned to their Pokeballs)

Siebold: next.

(Y/N): bouffalant you're up next. (Bouffalant steps up)

Siebold: in that case Barbaracle you're up. (Barbaracle steps up) now use razor shell!

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