Part 69

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(We are in Unova once again)

Ash/Goh: what! 

Goh: just why!

(Y/N): this is a scam. (We see him and his eevee on his shoulder playing with a reaper cloth from out his bag)

Ash: so where did the rumour about klinks final evolution "klingklangalangalang" come from anyway?

Man: it's this great little joke I came up with in order to help advertise my little shop.

(Y/N): (raises his fist) maybe I should give you a little advertising, it's called pain ball!

(Ash is holding (Y/N) back)

(Y/N): I could be looking for pawniard but instead we're looking at your scam!

Goh: and these drawings from witnesses?

Man: that's right, I drew those myself too. Look what I've got. How about a Unova favourite klink cookies, they're the perfect gift.

(Y/N): you are in trouble and I'm about to make it double! (Stops as he's realising who he's sounding like)

(Ash, Goh and (Y/N) look defeated as Eevee puts the reaper cloth over (Y/N)'s eyes and then takes it off and tries to surprise (Y/N) like playing peekaboo as (Y/N) has a small smile)

(Y/N): you sure love that reaper cloth don't ya (strokes eevee's head who enjoys it)

(Meanwhile with team rocket)

Jessie: (eating) so how come no one made sure it was real first and to think we came all the way over here to Unova.

Meowth: all I did was tell ya what I saw in the news. It was you who said we had to come.

James: will you two stop your bellyaching.

Jessie: I really wanted to catch a klingklangalangalangalangalang.

Meowth: to many alang, dig. It's klingklangalangalang

(They continue bickering)

James: it doesn't matter what it is, it's not real in the first place.

(With Chloe)

Chloe: amazing. Driftveil city's market. (We see eevee and ponyta walking next to her) hey did you find what you were looking for?

Goh: sort of. 

Goh: you shopped?

Chloe: I sure did. I got a whole bunch.

Ash: so you're the only one who got something done.

Chloe: what's wrong with you?

(Y/N): fake news. Swindled by someone who delved deep and refined their craft in the realm of con art. It was all a load of rubbish.

(With team rocket)

James: oh come on.

(Meowth and Jessie are still not making up)

James: hey good news, over there! (Points) a treasure trope of twerps.

Jessie: they'd never come to a place like- (sees they're there) w-what do you know.

Meowth: I smell a great opportunity. Let's poach Pikachu.

(We see Pikachu eating a klink cookie)

Chloe POV

Ash: these klink cookies are really good.

Goh: alright, I came to Unova for these cookies. I came to Unova for these cookies.

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