part 12

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We continue with the gigantamax Drednaw who attacked the stadium with it's head inside as team rocket stand their and taunt it)

Jessie: your big head has gotten too big!

(Drednaw tries again but this time team rocket get scared and run off)

Announcer: what's going on here! A gigantamax Drednaw and it's on a rampage!

(the three of them arrive to witness a gigantamaxed Drednaw on a rampage)

Ash: hey there you've got to calm down!

Goh: if you keep wrecking the place there won't be a stadium for long.

(Y/N): it's okay! Calm down we can all be friends here!

((Y/N) goes forward towards it but it launches its head forward trying to bite them as they, ash and goh and (Y/N), jump and run back to avoid it with you dragging ash backwards)

Ash: guess it's time for a Pokémon battle!

Goh: huh!

Ash: that way we draw it's attention and lead it away from the stadium!

(Y/N): count me in!

Goh: but how on earth are you two going to battle a gigantamax Pokémon

Ash/(Y/N): beats me/no idea

Goh: you don't know!

Ash: we'll give it a try

(Y/N): you stand back

Goh: no way if you two are battling then I want to battle too!

(Y/N): brave choice. I like it! It's us three against one then

Goh: alright!

Ash: are you both ready? Let's do it Pikachu!

Goh: we're in on this too scorbunny!

(Y/N): heck yeah ivysaur I choose you since it looks like a water or rock type! Nickit, larvitar maybe next time.

(Nickit and larvitar agree we they're returned to their pokeballs)

Ash: alright thunderbolt!

(Pikachu use thunderbolt as it shoots electricity out and it's tiny since Drednaw compared to gmax Drednaw and when it hits it appears to do nothing as ash is frustrated it does nothing.)

Goh: alright scorbunny double kick!

(Scorbunny's double kick connects but also does nothing)

(Y/N): we're all charged up! Solar beam!

(Ivysaur charges forward and jumps and aims and blasts solar beam in gmax Drednaw in its face but it still seems to do nothing)

(Drednaw tucks its head)

(Y/N): oh no ivysaur!

((Y/N) runs and jumps to catch ivysaur and throws him towards the others and ivysaur lands back on its feet and it's far away from (Y/N) and the gmax Drednaw and (Y/N) begins to run back )

Ash: heads up!


(Relaxes its head as it lunges forward)

Ash: alright use electroweb!

(Pikachu uses electroweb as (Y/N) ducks under it and dodges it but gmax Drednaw breaks through it and the head is still going towards them and they begin to run back but it's catching up to (Y/N) quickly)

(Y/N): shoot! AAAAHHHH!

(Ash, you, Pikachu, scorbunny and (Y/N)'s Pokémon get away but (Y/N) whilst he doesn't get crushed by gmax Drednaw he is trapped as he's got apart of his clothing caught in Drednaw's sharp teeth. Speaking of gmax Drednaw it tries to stretch its head further but it isn't able too)

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