Part 90

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(We see them approach Blackthorn city)

(Y/N): home sweet home. (Smiling)

Goh: so what did Clair phone you for?

(Y/N): I don't know  she just said to meet her in Blackthorn city.

Ash: do you think she wants a battle?

(Y/N): I'd love to battle her.

(We are by the gym as we see them enter as they see Clair standing there in the middle of the battlefield with dragonair as she turns as she hears the doors open and sees (Y/N) and the gang)

Clair: ah (Y/N) you've arrived. Hey Ash, it's nice to see you again too

Ash: hi Clair.

(Y/N): so what did you call me to come over for.

(Clair smiles as she points up and we see a rotom drone there)

(Y/N): you're in the world coronation series?

Rotom phone: a Pokémon world coronation series great class battle has been issued.

(We see Clair's rank as it's 114)

Clair: are you ready to battle (Y/N)? You're strong but let's not forget who taught you stuff about Pokémon until you were the age of 10 and you received a dratini of your own and you set out from your nest and went on your own journey. Now you're back in the nest, it's time my pupil, for you to move forwards you must best the person who taught most of what you know about Pokémon. Do you accept.


(His eyes are shadowed over until we see him press something on his phone)

Rotom phone: the challenge has been accepted!

(We then see (Y/N) grin as he looks up with determination and excitement in his eyes)

(Y/N): (grins) you're on.

Ash: (Y/N) is really excited about this battle

Goh: don't forget Clair is the one who taught (Y/N) the basics.

Rotom drone: for today's great class battle each trainer will be allowed to use 5 Pokémon. Will both trainers please send out their Pokémon, thank you! The battle will begin in 3...2...1 go!

Clair: kingdra go! (She sends out kingdra gets onto the battlefield as we see it's a battlefield with water and with little bits of ground floating)

(Y/N): go Kirlia! (Sends out Kirlia as it's on one of the little bits of land) so Kingdra huh.

Goh: a kingdra! 

Ash: she started with kingdra when I battled her.

(Brief flashback as we see Ash and snorlax against Clair and Kingdra before cutting back)

(Y/N): alright Kirlia use psybeam! 

Clair: hydropower pump!

(Kingdra fires hydro pump as it clashes with the psybeam as the two attacks stop each other)

(Y/N): go!

(We then see Kirlia is next to kingdra)

(Y/N): now use draining kiss!

(Kirlia uses draining kiss)

Clair: dive underwater kingdra!

(Kingdra goes underwater and Kirlia misses)

Clair: use hyper beam!

(Kingdra uses hyper beam)

(Y/N): watch out Kirlia!

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