Part 81

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(We start off at Shalour city gym)

Korrina: Lucario! Alright! Unlike he power within! Mega evolve! (We see Lucario mega evolve)

(We see Ash and everyone watching in the stands)

Ash: here it comes.

(We then see a male with a quilladon)

Person: don't let it get to you, use wood hammer!

(Quilladon uses wood hammer and leaps in)

Korrina: aura sphere!

(Lucario charges amd fires an aura sphere as quilladon brings down the wood hammer and the moves clash until quilladon is overpowered and launched back)

Person: oh no quilladon!

(Quilladon lands on the ground unable to battle)

Referee (Gurkinn): Quilladon is unable to battle, Lucario wins and that means the victor is Korrina!

(We see mega Lucario go back to normal Lucario)

Ash: Korrina! 

Korrina: (waves) hi Ash!

Ash: wow what a great battle! (To Lucario) Lucario, that's your key to powering up. 

((Y/N) feels a huge as he sees venusaur)

(Y/N): you're interested too?

(Venusaur nods as it remembers back to it's fight with mega lopunny)

(Y/N): I get it you wanna mega evolve and get stronger like lopunny right.

(Venusaur nods)

(Y/N): it's not gonna be easy if we can get the mega stone for you but we do have a good partner to help you train with it.

(Venusaur looks determined as (Y/N) is smiling)

(Down at the battlefield where Korrina is skating about)

Ash: man, you two are strong. That's some power.

Goh: that battle was super cool, wow!

Korrina: come on, don't overdo it.

Gurkinn: what's this overdo it talk? 

Korrina: hi there grandfather.

Gurkinn: you've been standing on your own only recently right?

Korrina: oh grandfather, I wish you'd give me credit every now and then.

Gurkinn: now Goh, are you keeping yourself busy catching lots more Pokémon.

Goh: yes sir, thank you for helping me awhile back.

Gurkinn: (Y/N) congratulations for reaching the great class

(Y/N): cheers mate.

Gurkinn: and Ash congratulations for reaching the ultra class.

Ash: thanks so much.

Korrina: can't let him get too far ahead.

Ash: Korrina, I really wanna mega evolve my Lucario. I think it will help me work through the ultra class and then the master class.

(The two Lucario stare at each other as Ash's remembers back to Korrina's vs Dragonite)

Korrina: (puts a hand on Ash's Lucario's shoulder) okay, got it. I'm sure you and Ash will be able to do it. Right Lucario. (Her Lucario agrees)

(Outside the gym)

Korrina: here you go.

Ash: woah it's a mega glove.

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