Part 120

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Announcer: it's almost time for the masters 8 tournament  after the last master class battle between competitor (Y/N), the unstoppable newcomer and competitor Diantha, the champion of Kalos but first an entrance battle has been added to the schedule and here are the contestants. Presently ranked at number 8th, he's considered the strongest Galar gym leader, a specialist in dragon types, gym leader Raihan. Currently ranked number 9 after he defeated many tough opponents we welcome the rising star from Kanto, it's Ash Ketchum.

Chloe: it's amazing how everyone seems to be talking about (Y/N) and Ash.

Goh: I'm not surprised.

Cerise: after all, this is a worldwide competition.

Ren: it's so cool, to think either might go on to win it.

Chrysa: it won't be easy. Just remember Ash will be up against the masters 8 and among the masters 8 is (Y/N) who he may have to battle.

Announcer: this just in champion Leon is commenting on the battle.

Leon: both are strong trainers with strong Pokémon. I'm certain their efforts will make it a match to remember. Alright let's watch (does his pose) and saviour it with everything we've got! (They take pictures of him)

Goh: man I'm so into this!

Chloe: speaking of Ash and (Y/N), where are they?

(Y/N): I'm right here.

(They look to see (Y/N))

Chloe: you're back.

(They hug as Cerise is giving an approving nod as a tear comes to his eye)

Goh: what were you doing?

(Y/N): oh yeah I stayed over in Kalos and before I could leave I had to help some scientists who lost control of a tyrantrum.

Chloe: that sounds intense.

Goh: did everything go okay?

(Y/N): yeah I managed to calm it down and bond with it. As a matter of fact (pulls out a pokeball and out comes a blue tyrantrum)

(A/N): I did a dynamic adventure and got a shiny tyrantrum, it's a really cool shiny I like it. that's why I decided to give us one.

Goh: do you know where Ash is?

(Y/N): training of course.

(Goh and Chloe feel like idiots as they should've put two and two together as we cut to Ash training)

Ash: Pikachu alright thunderbolt let's go!

(We see Pikachu use thunderbolt as Sirfetch'd blocks it with its shield)

Ash: Sirfetch'd way to go. Let's do it gengar shadow ball, Dracovish fishious rend!

(Gengar fires shadow ball as dracovish catches it in its mouth and uses fishious rend and destroys it as there's strong gusts of wind as morelull, foraminifera, bellsprout and grimer feel it 

Ash: Lucario double team! Dragonite hurricane!

(We see Lucario use double team as Dragonite uses hurricane as Goh, Chloe, cinderace, eevee and ponyta)

Goh: he's really going for it.

Chloe: I'd say full throttle

Ash: use aura sphere!

(Lucario forms aura so here and fires it at Dragonite and it hits as Dragonite falls to the ground)

Goh: hey! We brought snacks for everybody!

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