Part 80

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(We start off with a little girl looking up at the sky but we can't hear what she's saying as a certain lettered Pokémon in the shadows uses something as it turns to night time)

(Back at the lab)

Chrysa: I wonder what that could even mean.

Cerise: hmmm.

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): morning everyone!

Cerise: morning. You three have perfect timing.

Chrysa: did you three hear the news yet?

Ren: there's a strange phenomenon happening in the Johto region.

(Y/N): at home in Johto!?

Ash: huh? What phenomenon?

Chrysa: there's a town where the sky was suddenly plunged into total darkness and it's been nighttime ever since,

Goh: it's dark all the time?

Ash: if it's night all the time, how does anyone eat breakfast?

(Y/N): now's not the time to think about food!

Chrysa: I do think Ash is onto something here. It could upset one's sleep cycle 

Ren: it can't be doing the townspeople any good.

(Y/N): not to mention plant life and food supplies in general.

Cerise: we have no idea what's behind it yet but it's bound to be a problem for the Pokemon too.

Ash: we should go investigate.

(Y/N): agreed, there's no way I'll let one of my home region's towns suffer like this.

Goh: I really wanna see what it's like when it's always nighttime.

Cerise: understood, will you report what you find back to me?

Ash: of course! It's off to Johto!

(Y/N): it's been a long time coming!

Goh: let's go!

(At the dark town)

Ash: woah it really is pitch black out.

(They walk around)

Ash: so it really isn't night, right?

Goh: no this is morning.

(Y/N): this is weird and I don't like it, whoever or whatever did this is very dangerous.

Woman: good morning.

Other woman: it's another dark day huh.

Woman: when I hang my clothes up they just won't dry

Ash: this place kinda gives me the creeps

Goh: yeah.

(We see walk up to an old man who got up to do some stretching as he sits back down with his sudowoodo next to him)

Ash: hey good morning.

Old man: morning. Not that it's good. I do try to exercise but I don't have much energy when it's this dark out.

(We see grookey hop off and hug sudowoodo)

Old man: I'd say it's been going on for about a week

Ash: that long huh

Old man: since it's not as easy to tell the time no one knows when to eat. Just have a looksie  over there. Since there's no sunlight all the flowers are wilting just like that

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