Part 157

401 7 2

(We continue where left off as noivern was just defeated as Ash has just returned noivern)

Ash: (gets out a pokeball) I choose you! (He throws the pokeball and out comes Swellow) okay Swellow use air slash!

(Swellow takes to the skies and fires air slashes towards alolan exeggcutor)

Iris: psychic terrain!

(Alolan exeggcutor takes two of the air slashes as it then dodges the rest)

Ash: quick attack!

(Swellow goes to use quick attack and dart towards alolan exeggcutor as alolan exeggcutor uses psychic terrain and the battlefield goes weird as Swellow who is now close to alolan exeggcutor via quick attack suddenly stops using quick attack)

Ash: what?!

Iris: now use dragon hammer!

(Alolan exeggcutor uses dragon hammer smacking Swellow and sending it flying back as it tumbles across the ground but it gets back up)

Announcer: and exeggcutor stops Swellow right in it's tracks with psychic terrain so it can land a big dragon hammer!

Ash: what happened?

Iris: psychic terrain not only boosts the power of psychic type moves but it stops move such as quick attack, sucker punch and those type of moves from Pokémon that are on the ground meaning Swellow won't be able to benefit from it.

Ash: why didn't you do that while noivern was out?

Iris: to use the z-move and get rid of noivern as soon as possible obviously!

Ash: (smug) so you're saying noivern would've been too much for your team to handle?

Iris: that's not what I'm saying you little kid! Exeggcutor use extrasensory!

(Alolan exeggcutor uses extrasensory hitting Swellow and knocking it back as Ash grins)

Ash: now Swellow!

(Swellow opens it's eyes after taking the attack and lands on the wall of the stadium and uses it's leg to propel itself off and takes flight at a faster speed)

Ash: now use aerial ace!

(Swellow uses aerial ace and hits alolan exeggcutor and knocks it to the ground as Swellow flies high into the sky where it can perform at its best)

Iris: use giga drain!

Ash: air slash quickly!

(Swellow fires out air slashes and hits alolan exeggcutor as it flinches)

Ash: now aerial ace quickly!

(Swellow flies in with aerial ace)

Iris: dodge it!

(Swellow is about to hit Alolan exeggcutor but we then see it's long neck then bend back like it's limboing under Swellow)

Iris: now dragon hammer!

(We see Swellow is still using aerial ace but as Swellow is about to turn around it gets whacked by exeggcutor's tail as it hits the dragon hammer)

Iris: now giga drain!

(Suddenly this green aura envelopes Swellow and begins draining it of energy as Swellow is still getting back up)

Ash: just ignore the pain Swellow and use aerial ace!

(Swellow while still enveloped in that green glow just powers through and uses aerial ace as alolan exeggcutor just sees this bird using aerial ace while it's being sucked dry as Swellow nails alolan exeggcutor directly in the chest landing a critical hit as Swellow flies past and lands on the ground facing the opposite direction as the green glow disappears and alolan exeggcutor just falls to the ground unable to battle)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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