Part 72

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(We continue where we left off)

Chloe/Dawn: who? (Chloe gets out her rotom phone)

Rotom phone: cresselia, the lunar Pokémon, a psychic type. Cresselia has been called a representation of the moon, it's also said it's feathers can dispel nightmares.

Chloe: cresselia...

Dawn: should be on full moon island.

(Y/N): why is it here.

Chloe: a-are you sure.

Dawn: yeah. I saw it there before.

(They see it's injured)

Chloe: it's really hurt!

Dawn: it needs first aid (goes to get closer)

(Cresselia gets up on edge)

(Y/N): wait stop!

Dawn: no need to worry cresselia. We're your friends, not your enemies.

(It fires at them just stopping short in front of them as it has a angry face as Eevee and ponyta take a step forwards and try talking to it)

Chloe: oh Eevee, ponyta!

(Chloe remembers her father's words)

"My goal is to face them head on and show those Pokémon what's in my heart!"

Chloe: no need to worry (takes a step forward)

Dawn: Chloe don't do it. 

(Y/N): (stops Dawn as Dawn looks at him) no need to worry, she's got this. (Smiles as she smiles back at him in understanding)

Chloe: we want to help you cresselia. Let me treat your wounds (she gets closer and closer)

(She reaches out and we see her hug cresselia as Dawn sees ponyta try using heal pulse but it doesn't do much to get rid of the wounds)

Dawn: oh yeah the healing herbs. (Gets them from her bag and grinds them up)

(It's now nighttime)

Dawn: (has herbs on bandage) that should do it. This may sting but it'll be over soon.

(Y/N): here have some berries you'll definitely be hungry, it'll get your strength back quicker and it may help distract you from the stinging feeling.

Chloe: I wonder if someone attacked it.

Dawn: it couldn't have been darkrai could it.

Chloe: darkrai? 

Dawn: right, it's a Pokémon who causes nightmares in both people and Pokémon. Cresselia can eliminate those nightmares. In other words they're enemies, sort of.

(Meanwhile darkrai is looking around)

Chloe: really.

(Y/N): I don't think so.

Chloe: how come?

(Y/N): because darkrai wouldn't have left it alone and even if it did escape with those injuries and being unable to move it's impossible for darkrai not to find it especially with all these shadowy places.

Dawn: that should do it.

Chloe: you're amazing Dawn. You even know about healing herbs.

Dawn: back when I travelled in a group of 3 one of my friends was a Pokémon doctor in training and I learned some of this from him. 

(We see Brock taking care of togekiss)

Dawn: those were fun days and my other friend had no room left in his head for anything but Pokemon. You could say he was a Pokémon fanatic.

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