Part 131

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Announcer: the first match if the 4th round is Steven Stone, the Hoenn region champion against the very first Alola region champion Ash Ketchum!

Meowth: now it's twerp time, rock and roll!

James: batting someone with panache and power!

Jessie: (eating some food) I'm not even so sure if the twerp has half a chance.

(With the gang)

Goh: Hop, would you mind moving down a bit please?

Hop: got it.

(He picks up his wooloo and moves a little as does (Y/N) as Iris approaches)

Hop: (sees Iris) the Unova champion!?

Iris: hello there Hop (sits down next to him) I hear you're Leon's brother, it's nice to meet you.

Hop: nice to meet you too.

Iris: (rubbing her cheek against wooloo and rubbing wooloo's fur) so cute! And fluffy!

Hop: why are you sitting here, in this stand?

Goh: she wants to feel the energy if the stadium first hand.

Hop: that's just like ash and (Y/N).

Referee: for this round each contestant gets 3 Pokémon with no limits in time or switching. The one who leaves all of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle wins! Also, a contestant can only use dynamax, a Z move or mega evolution once per match! (We see Ash has all 3 on his hands well one on his hand and the other two on his wrists)

Hop: check it out Ash has got all 3!

Goh: the result of lots of adventures.

Hop: hey don't you have all 3 too (Y/N)? I'm pretty sure I saw them all in your match against Lance

(Y/N): yes, I do.

Ash: okay Steven, I'm the one advancing to the semifinals.

Steven: you don't say huh. Then I expect great things , I love forward to see what kind of battle you'll bring. (Looking at all of Ash's mechanics)

Referee: now both of you, please send out your first Pokémon out to the field in 3,2,1 go!

Steven: go Metagross!

Ash: dracovish I choose you!

(Both the shiny metagross and dracovish come out their pokeballs)

Announcer: each of the first Pokémon have been revealed. First match up will be a collision beteeen dracovish and metagross


Leon: show me what you've got, rookie.

Referee: battle begin!

Ash: hydro pump!

Seven: use agility!

(Dracovish fires hydro pump as metagross uses agility to dodge and get in close quickly )

Ash: (grinning) use fishious rend!

(Dracovish uses fishious rend)

Steven: use psychic let's go!

(Metagross' X on its face glows blue as Dracovish hits fishious rend first dealing major damage)

Ash: oh yeah! 

Steven: hmmm.

(Metagross manages to use psychic hand sends dracovish flying back as metagross skids back itself and is shown to be hurt as dracovish lands on it's butt and feeling the psychic from Steven's strongest Pokémon)

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