Part 125

994 13 1

(We start off with registeel as we see Quillon and his urshifu)

Quillon: urshifu use thunder punch.

(Urshifu uses thunder punch hitting registeel who is firing flash cannon as registeel stumbles back as it prepares a zap cannon)

Quillon: close combat.

(Urshifu uses close combat hitting the registeel over and over as it keeps hitting and kicking it into one of the walls inside of the temple)

Quillon: that should wrap it up. (Gets out an ultra ball)

(With the gang as Goh receives a notification)

Goh: great! My trial mission's arrived!

Ash: what is it this time? It's a choice between these two the first choice is to follow 3 sets of virtuous footprints. The other is to catch regieleki and regidrago

Ash: they both sound pretty awesome.

(Y/N): I've never heard of regieleki or regidrago.

Goh: it also says this will be my final mission.

Ash: yeah?

(Y/N): so it's all or nothing.

(We see Goh looks serious)

Goh: so even if I pass this mission it depends on how well the others all do.

Ash:just remember, do the very best that you can do.

(Y/N): yeah, if you try your hardest then you'll have no regrets.

Goh: you're right.

Goh: so, which one will you take?

Goh: it's gotta be this, catching regieleki and regidrago.

(Y/N): this'll be great. Plus the virtuous footprints with their being 3 of them sounds like it'll take a long time and that's not even including other variables such as sudden weather changes so while both seem fun in this short time span you have left to become a chaser that is probably the better option, plus catching anything except beautifly is your speciality.

Ash: I know about regice, regirock and registeel.

Cerise: Pokemon for which no data exists. 

Goh: it says it's called regieleki isn't it an electric type?

Ash: and regidrago sounds like a dragon type to me.

Cerise: it seems they're connected to a place in the Galar region's crown tundra called the split decision ruins.

Goh: split decision ruins?

Ash: wow doesn't it make your heart race? Hey let's go there right now.

Goh: no Ash. This time I'm going by myself. 

Ash: what! How come?

Goh: I'm working toward my own goal I think you two should be working toward your own goals too.

Ash: Goh... you got it, I'll train my Pokémon for the master 8 tournament! But be sure to clear that mission Goh.

Goh: right.

(Y/N): yeah because when you get back out Pokémon will be on a whole other level. 

(We cut to the crown tundra as we see Goh is there)

Goh: the future is in the palm of my hand. Here it goes, the final mission for project mew.

(We see Goh traversing across the lands)

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