Part 149 (crowned tundra arc part 2)

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(A/N): oh yeah I forgot to mention (Y/N) didn't bring his team he used in the masters 8 as he brought Dragonite and thievul (who you've already seen) and he's brought bisharp, venusaur, gliscor and dragapult those are the 6 I'm working with this arc

Also I'd like to issue a warning I'm going very fanon with this using my head canon and kinda going my own direction into diving into Calyrex's capabilities.

(We start off with (Y/N) and Zoro outside rushing out of the village as they head towards the giants bed as they venture making sure they don't get lost as they reach this big open space)

Zoro: where do we go next?

(Y/N): I'm not sure, but we know the location of the two fields are both in giants bed just in different areas. So we may have to split off but we'll find the first one and then you can stay by it and calyrex can help grow the carrots from that one while I go and locate the other.

Zoro: sounds like a plan to me.

(They are about to proceed but are stopped as loud noises as heard as they stop and prepare themselves as a rock is smashed by them and in the dust we see the shadow of two Pokémon as they both glare at Zoro)

Zoro: eh?

(Y/N): what'd you do?

Zoro: I dunno.

(Y/N): what Pokémon are they?

(Suddenly they fire ranged attacks as the two narrowly dodge them as the attackers are revealed to be none other than cobalion and someone else)

(Y/N): cobalion?

Zoro: hey who's that Pokemon? 

Rotom dex: keldeo, the colt pokemon, a water/fighting type. Cobalion, terrakion and virizion taught this pokemon how to fight. It dashes across the world, seeking more opportunities to further its training.

Zoro: keldeo?

(Y/N): I've never seen one before.

Zoro: (looks at keldeo and grins) I'm amped up to fight. (Gets out a pokeball) I choose you! (Sends out samurott)

(Y/N): okay! (Gets out a pokeball and sends out venusaur) let's do this buddy. (Venusaur nods as the battle begins with cobalion firing a flash cannon) block it!

(Venusaur gwts it's vines out is hitting the vines against the flash cannon over and over as fast as it can to stop it from getting closer as there's a huge explosion as the flash cannon ends)

Zoro: samurott razor shell?

(Samurott charges in with razor shell as Kelso uses it's horn to fend off and block until the two Pokémon clash weapons in the case of samurott being it's scalchops and for keldeo it's the horn as Keldeo pushes samurott back and samurott skids back but is still ready to battle as Zoro looks at keldeo who is ready to battle as it's does that thing with it's feet where they kick the back legs and dust is kicked up ready to go on the offensive)

(A/N): or are those bulls? I don't know but I hope you get what I mean.

Zoro: (grins)  this is gonna be good.

(Y/N): venusaur use petal blizzard!

(Venusaur uses petal blizzard as cobalion uses protect and blocks the attacks but as they're heading to keldeo samurott jumps in front amd blocks all the petal blizzards heading that way)

Zoro: don't get involved, this is our battle.

(Y/N): sorry about that, I forgot petal blizzard tends to hit multiple targets.

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