Part 129

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Announcer: alright ladies and gentleman it's time for out next match of the masters 8 tournament! (We see Lance and (Y/N) walk out onto each side of the battle field)

Ash: (Y/N) and Lance, I can tell (Y/N) has been itching to battle Lance a lot. The battle between these two is so exciting!

Goh: yeah. Wait Ash you know Lance too?

Ash: yeah.

Hop: first I hear about Diantha and now Lance knowing, you're also one of Lee's favourite trainers, there's something about you that the champions find interesting.

Lance: the time has come!  Trainers of the Kanto region! (We see Ritchie) Trainers of the Johto region! (We see Marina, Jimmy and Vincent/Jackson though I prefer to call him Vincent) All of you, just watch me battle! And to you (Y/N) (points at him) as a dragon master I ask you only bring your best to battle my dragon brigade! I have high expectations of you, after all you were trained by my cousin Clair! I've been excited to battle the student called (Y/N) that she kept going on about!

(Y/N): okay Lance, dragon master, champion of Kanto and Johto. Don't forget you're not the only one representing Johto! Johto is my home, where I was born! Ever since being taught by Clair I learnt how she never beat you! So as I was learning, bonding with my dratini I've always wanted to battle and beat you and do what Clair couldn't! So I can make her, my mom and my dad proud! (We see his mom watching, as well as Clair at his house as we see raikou is there as well) I've journeyed all over and met all kinds of Pokémon! (We see his Pokémon watching a TV screen as Oak, Delia, Tracy and Ash's Pokémon watch another TV screen) and after I surpass you, I'll face Leon and then make it to the finals and then win this whole tournament. now enough talking! Let's show our fighting spirit and show everyone what a battle between two Johto trainers looks like!

Lance: well said. Then let us battle!

(We see the referee on the Aeigislash appear)

Referee: here are the rules for this match, each trainer will be allowed 3 Pokémon, there is no time limit or limit on switching Pokémon. The winner will be the one who leaves all 3 opponent's Pokémon unable to battle. Also a contestant can only use dynamax, Z move or mega evolution once per match! Very well contestants, will you both please send your first Pokémon onto the field. 3...2...1 go!

Lance/(Y/N): Dragonite I choose you!

(They both send out their Dragonite)

Referee: battle begin!

Lance: use ice beam!

(His Dragonite fires an ice beam)

(Y/N): iron tail!

(Dragonite uses iron tail and slams it on the ground as the ground breaks and pieces come off and Dragonite uses it to block the ice beam)

Lance: twister!

(His Dragonite then summons a twister and sends it towards Dragonite)

(Y/N): that won't stop us!

(Dragonite roars as it grabs the twister and then throws it into the air as it looks at Dragonite as they both stare down at one another)

(Y/N): dragon rush!

(Dragonite rushes in with dragon rush)

Lance: ice beam!

(His Dragonite fires ice beam directly at Dragonite as it gets hit and is hurt but powers through)

(Y/N): use that ice beam Dragonite!

(We then see Dragonite while it's using dragon rush as the dragon rush is coated in ice surprising Lance)

(Y/N): now Dragonite use ice dragon rush!

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