Part 88

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(We start off elsewhere as we see dialga going somewhere as we see palkia start flying up towards the incoming dialga and they begin fighting for like the fifty millionth time since that's pretty much all that we see them do as portals begin opening as we see people in high tech gear and look badass and it's... team rocket?)

Jessie: (laughs) all Pokémon will belong to team rocket. (We see the red chain and two rings that look like arceus's ring)

(We cut away as Dawn stretches)

Dawn: what a nice day. It's Pokémon contest practice time, let's give it our all!

(We see Pokémon consisting of buneary, pachirisu, togekiss, mamoswine and quilava)

Dawn: hold on, where could piplup be?

(Buneary points as Dawn looks and we see piplup asleep by her bag)

Dawn: piplup, why are you sleeping now!

(Piplup wakes up)

Dawn: the contest is tomorrow you got to pull yourself together and wake up.

(Piplup yawns and starts to fall back asleep) 

Dawn: piplup, what are you doing! Snap out of it come on! (Piplup snaps awake) just when I need us to pull together you're doing nothing but nothing. You've been sleeping a lot and when you're done eating you're asleep again!

(Piplup gets up and runs away)

Dawn: stop right there! (Chases after piplup) 

Dawn: piplup!

(She looks around and sees piplup who is by a portal which another Dawn pops out of who cries and hugs piplup)

Dawn?: oh piplup! (Hugs piplup) 

(The Dawn we know rushes over as Dawn? is crying tears of joy as she goes back through the portal)

Dawn: excuse me! That piplup is mi-

(She stops as both Dawns look at each other and despite their clothing being different colours they're identical as the portal closes)

Dawn: piplup. NO IT CAN'T BE!

(Elsewhere we see Camilla and lopunny as a portal opens and out fly team rocket?)

Camilla: team rocket?

Jessie?: capture.

Camilla: no you don't lopunny use high jump kick!

(Lopuuny uses high jump kick as Meowth uses dark pulse which overpowers lopunny)

Camilla: high jump kick again!

(Lopunny goes to but doesn't for some reason as they grin and fire a net trapping lopunny)

Jessie?: capture complete.

(They fly through the portal taking lopunny with them as Camilla tries to follow but the portal closes)

(At Cerise lab)

Ash: mhm. Yeah. I've got it, on my way.

Goh: what was that about?

Ash: Dawn says her piplup's been kidnapped.

Goh: kidnapped!

(Y/N): guys bad news! Camilla's Lopunny has been taken!

Chloe: her too!

Cerise: Dawn and Camilla live in the Sinnoh region, don't they.

Ash: yes sir.

(Y/N): yes.

Cerise: I was just about to tell you something related to that.

Chrysa: recently there has been a rash of missing Pokémon reports in the Sinnoh region. (Brings them all up)

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