Rival bio

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Name: Camilla (childhood friend)

(A/N): it's be really disrespectful if I didn't so please give credit to orohnpokemon, this design is amazing

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(A/N): it's be really disrespectful if I didn't so please give credit to orohnpokemon, this design is amazing.

Origin Region: Sinnoh region but lived in Johto for a little bit when she was younger)

Partner: lopunny (mega)

(Considered Ace Pokemon is lapras and technically lopunny but that's also her partner though)

(She's also travelled to different regions and caught pokemon from all the different regions (only the 8 we know so far) however she's only physically been to 6)

Sinnoh her home region (the first region she travelled)

Pokemon she caught: vespiqueen, leafeon, phione, glameow, gastrodon, mismagius, driflim, gallade.


Pokémon she caught: torkoal, salamence 


Pokemon she caught: simipour, leavanny, gothitelle, jellicent (male), sawsbuck, emolga, simisage and simisear


Pokemon she caught: meowstic, vivillon, Aromatisse, goodra, aurorus, gourgeist 

Galar (her latest journey before she decided to travel to all over the place)

Pokemon she's caught so far on her current journey: Boltund, indeedee (male), rapidash (Galarian), cufant, sizzilepde, flapple, cursola, alcremie (lemon cream form)


Pokémon she caught: alolan ninetails (she was there on a week long vacation and she caught an alolan vulpix) Alolan geodude (caught on her most recent travel) bruxish (caught in her most recent travel) (her most recent travel is the contest in Alola)


(Didn't catch anything while in Johto but she's clearly been Johto as that's where she grew up with and met (Y/N))

(These next ones are Pokémon from a specific region but she caught in another region. For example a mudbray, an Alola/ gen 7 Pokémon but it was caught in Galar)


Pokemon she caught: ampharos (and it can mega evolve) (it's a gen 2 mon but it was caught and trained in Kalos) and blissey (caught and raised as a happiny in Sinnoh and Blissey is technically a Johto/ gen 2 Pokémon but she didn't catch or evolve it in Johto)


Pokemon caught: cradily (She never went to Hoenn but caught a wild lileep in an "unknown place" she found by accident during her adventures in Galar... and something about a giant tree or something but she didn't stay there long as someone found her and guided her to a train station to get back to somewhere she was more familiar with)


Mudbray (it's a gen 7 Pokémon but she caught it in Galar)


Pokémon she caught: lapras (her current ace) but she caught it in Galar.

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