part 16

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Ash: do it Pikachu!

Goh: scorbunny go!

Ash/Goh: alright! Use quick attack

(They both use quick attack and clash with one another)

Ash: pretty good Goh.

((Y/N) is there refereeing)

(Y/N): I'll say, scorbunny has improved.

Goh: scorbunny.

(Goh homes fists out and scorbunny fists bumps Goh with his foot as darmanitan comes along and teases scorbunny angering it and darmanitan starts beating it's chest)

Goh: what's darmanitan doing right now?

Ash: it's working up to something.

(Releases a big overheat into the air as it looks back at scorbunny and talks to it)

Goh: is it telling it to use a fire type move.

(Y/N): well darmanitan isn't wrong since if scorbunny learned a fire type move it will be stronger since scorbunny is a fire type

(Scorbunny stretches and cracks it's neck as it tries to prepare to do a fire type move as it opens it's mouth wide and inhales and a tiny tiny little flame comes out shocking everyone on how tiny it is, this causes darmanitan to laugh at scorbunny as scorbunny looks upset)

(Koharu enters the scene)

Koharu: hey there Goh, Ash and (Y/N) I've heard neither of you have eaten breakfast yet Mr mime has been worried sick about you, what are you doing?

Goh: well we kinda have a problem

(Look to see scorbunny frantically trying to fire an ember as darmanitan has a smug look on his face)

Koharu: what's with the smug look on that darmanitan's face.

Goh: well darmanitan challenged scorbunny so it's trying to use ember and- it's not having that much luck.

Ash: you can do it scorbunny! You've got be like aaarghhh!

(Opens mouth wide then close it)

Ash: then get the best inside of you to come out like bam! Yeah that's it!

Koharu: what is he talking about?

Goh: (laughs nervously) I think Ash is trying to help scorbunny out in the way he knows how it still scorbunny just needs to call quit.

(Y/N): nah scorbunny can do it, just give the little guy time he'll  do it. And if not then it's your job not only as his trainer but as his friend to help him.

Goh: I don't know

(Looks at an exhausted scorbunny)

Goh: why don't we hang it up for now. You gave it your best shot.

(Darmanitan walks away mocking scorbunny as scorbunny is angered and goes to chase after darmanitan)

Goh: stop scorbunny.

(Scorbunny stops)

Goh: you can use both quick attack and double kick. It's no big deal you don't know a fire type move.

Ash: I don't think scorbunny feels the same way.

Goh: whether scorbunny agrees or not if you can't do something give it up

(Scorbunny is angered further and walks away as it sees darmanitan by the bridge in Cerise park smugly looking at it before it goes away as scorbunny chases after it)

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