Part 155

505 9 3

(Where we last left off both trainers had their pokeballs ready)

Referee: 3...2...1 go!

(Y/N): I choose you! (He throws and sends out dragapult)

Cynthia:  spiritomb, shake the world! (Sends out spiritomb)

(Y/N): (grins) already trying to outplay me I see. I almost thought you would've sent out a different Pokémon first.

Cynthia: I had a feeling you thought I'd send spiritomb out first, but even so, what are you gonna do about it.

(Y/N) thoughts: she's not wrong, outside of garchomp, this'll be her toughest Pokémon to take down.

(Y/N): well that ain't stopping us! Dragon darts!

(Dragapult fires it's dreepy as they head toward spiritomb)

Cynthia: hypnosis!

(Spiritomb uses hypnosis as the waves come out as the dreepy fly through them they start to get sleepy and fall to the ground asleep as the waves head towards dragapult)

(Y/N): phantom force!

(Dragapult disappears from the battlefield as the waves miss it as they keep going but eventually the waves stop as the hypnosis attack ends as dragapult from the shadow realm appears and strikes spiritomb in the back)

Cynthia: sucker punch on the dreepy!

(Spiritomb as it's hit lunges at the dreepy on the ground asleep as we see dragapult then fly in front and protect the dreepy as it gets hit with the sucker punch instead)

Commentator: and dragapult takes the hit and using a sneaky move Cynthia has landed the first strike!

(Y/N) thoughts: (looks at Cynthia who is showing no emotion and no sign of giving her cards away) she aimed that at the dreepy on purpose knowing dragapult would protect them ensuring the sucker punch hits dragapult. (He looks at Cynthia as she's calm and collected as she's looking at him with a little smile)

(We see dragapult damaged but has got the dreepy back in its launchers as we see them wake up and look around confused what's happening as they see they're back in dragapult's launcher things)

(Y/N): flamethrower!

(Dragapult uses flamethrower)

Cynthia: sucker punch!

(Spiritomb uses sucker punch hitting dragapult as it fires flamethrower hitting spiritomb)

Cynthia: quick now use hypnosis!

(Y/N): dodge it!

(Spiritomb while up close still releases those hypnosis waves as dragapult tried to get away but is caught and falls asleep hitting the ground)

Cynthia: shadow ball!

(Spiritomb fires a shadow ball hitting the sleeping dragapult)

Cynthia: one more time, shadow ball!

(Spiritomb fires another shadow ball as it heads towards Dragapult)

(Y/N): (grins) dragapult use sleep talk!

(The sleeping dragapult floats up and avoids the shadow ball as it fires the two sleeping dreepy as they fire out and hit spiritomb as we see dragapult wake up as do the dreepy while they're in the air and freak out and quickly fly back into the launchers of dragapult as we see spiritomb damaged as is dragapult)

Cynthia thoughts: so he planned around hypnosis, not bad.

Commentator: and dragapult hits spiritomb in its sleep! (Y/N) has prepared for spiritomb!

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