part 20

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(we start off at a Pokémon center with Nurse Joy and Chansey)

(They enter a room with a massive incubator with a single egg inside hooked up to all sorts of monitors and machines)

Nurse Joy: still no changes?

(Chansey gives her something)

Nurse Joy: (doing checks) tell me. Why are you still an egg.

(Cut over to the Cerise laboratory)

Cerise: the first person to do extensive research on Pokémon eggs is professor Elm, a former student of professor Oak's. He concentrated his studies on the mysteries of why no one has ever seen a Pokémon lay an egg.

Goh: so how come no one has ever seen that?

Ren: if we knew that it wouldn't be a mystery would it.

Chrysa: some researchers theorise that Pokémon don't lay eggs. Instead they simply find their eggs lying around but once again there's no proof

Cerise: which means Pokémon eggs remain as much as a mystery today as they've ever been.

Ash: amazing. Come to think of it I've never seen a Pokémon lay an egg either.

Goh: you've actually seen a Pokémon egg!

Ash: sure I have.

Goh: no fair!

(Y/N): me too! Since I have four which you've both seen! And I've had another two which pupitar originally came from one of the eggs too

Goh: yeah I'll give you the pupitar egg as lucky but it's different since those four were given to you. I know let's go find one! I want to a wild egg too!

(Y/N): fair enough I can't dispute that one.

Ren: I hate to have to break it to you but that's easier said than done.

Goh: hey! You never know until you try

Ash: you're right let's give it a shot!

(Y/N): I'm all for that.

Goh: yeah!

Goh/Ash: see you later!

(Y/N): professor do you think you can watch the eggs for me while I go with those two.

Cerise: sure.

(Y/N): thank you so much. Wait for me guys! Let's go porygon!

Cerise: here's to your success.

(Raboot casually walks out after letting out a sigh)

(With the three protagonists)

Goh: I think they're found in grassy areas like this. We've got to keep a sharp eye. (Sees an egg) there's one!

(He runs over and stops as the egg turns around and has a face)

Rotom dex: exeggcute, the egg Pokémon, a grass/physic type. Exeggcute is made of 6 eggs that communicate with each other using telepathy

Goh: pokeball let's go!

(Goh throws a pokeball and catches it)

Goh: got it!

Rotom dex: exeggcute has been registered to your pokedex

Goh: that catch was eggcellent in my book.

(Pikachu is cheering whilst raboot doesn't seem to care)

Ash: (sweatdrop) wow funny.

((Y/N) just face palms)

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