Part 56

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(We see a room filled with psyduck themed things as we see Chrysa)

Chrysa: mom, I know already

Her mother: you always say that, have you been eating well?

Chrysa: of course I have (we see her eating a delicious looking dessert)

Her mother: I know you're busy with work but please come home once in a while.

Chrysa: as soon as I can.

Her mother: have you got someone special yet? If so then you've...

Chrysa: look at the time! I'll call you later! 

Her mother: Chrysa? Chrysa?

(She hangs up)

Chrysa: mom, I'm sorry. Time to go.

(She turns her light off and heads out the door as we see a picture of her, a boy and a psyduck)

(We cut away to Chloe and Eevee in Vermilion City where the weather doesn't look good)

Chloe: you're full of energy. And you're so nice and warm. (Snuggles up to Eevee as her hand is nudged as we see ponyta snuggling up to Chloe as Chloe strokes Ponyta's mane) you too Ponyta. I wonder if there are Pokémon who don't like the cold. (They approach the lab where she sees her dad) hi, I'm back from school.

Cerise: nice to see you.

Chloe: you're just on your way out?

Cerise: yes. You see I can't wait to hear about all the new research coming in.

Chrysa: you better get moving professor.

Ren: you'll miss your bus.

Cerise: oh you're right! I'll be back later! (Rushes off) hold down the fort!

Chrysa/Ren: right!

Chloe: have a nice time dad! (Her and Eevee are waving, ponyta can't quite wave but it's instead moving it's tail back and forth) hey Chrysa are (Y/N), Goh and Ash here?

Chrysa: yes, they're in the park.

Ash: gotta move Goh!

Goh: wait up Ash. Oh Chloe.

Chloe: what's up Goh?

Goh: the weather report shows snow today. Snowy weather will make it much easier for me to find ice type Pokémon, this is my chance!

Ash: Goh!

Goh: right behind you! Later. (Rushes after Ash)

Chloe: when will you be back?!

Goh: not until I catch a bunch!

Chrysa: you had plans with them?

Chloe: I guess nothing in particular. But this morning...


(We see Chloe finish fixing her hair for school as she sees Parker running after Yamper)

Parker: wait up yamper!

Chloe: it's awfully early for this.

Parker: Yamper please (we see Yamper get free from his grasp and hide behind Chloe)

Chloe: Parker, what's the matter?

Parker: you see, Ginny is having a big sleepover at her house today.

Chloe: sleepover? Oh I see.

Parker: and everyone is bringing their family's Pokémon along with them so I want to bring Yamper along with me too.

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