Part 76

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(We see in the lab we see on the screen Umbreon and espeon)

Chloe: Espeon and Umbreon.

Rotom phone: Espeon, the sun Pokemon, a psychic type. When the sun hits the jewel on Espeoon's forehead it builds up psychic power. It holds the highest loyalty to an accomplished trainer and it is said Espeon obtained it's premonition powers to protect them.

Rotom phone: Umbreon, the moonlight Pokémon, a dark type. As a nocturnal Pokémon Umbreon's large eyes can distinguish prey even during the darkest of nights. When it's skin is able to absorb moonlight the circles on it's body faintly glow and a strange power is awakened.

(Eevee jumps up and down)

Ash: eevee's totally interested.

Cerise: alright no take a look at this. (Shows a picture of a building)

Chloe: a castle?

Chrysa: it's called eclipse castle 

Ren: eclipse castle is in the Johto region and it has a long history to treating Espeon and Umbreon extremely well

Chloe: I really wanna go see Espeon and Umbreon! (To eevee) how about you?

(Eevee agrees)

Chloe: of course, you wouldn't want to miss meeting one of your evolved forms.

Cerise: now that's what I thought. There's actually a solar eclipse happening very soon and there's a festival for it at this castle.

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): festival?

Chrysa: doesn't it sound like fun.

Cerise: why not go and see?

Ash/Goh/Chloe: sure!

(Y/N): (feels something) buddy you seem to really like this reaper cloth. (We see his eevee playing with the reaper cloth) here. (We see him wrap the reaper cloth around his eevee) you wanna go see them too?

Chloe: hey ponyta, you want to come along?

Cerise: uh...Chloe, can we borrow ponyta? There's been recently a lot of fighting in the park and the Pokemon are hurt so I was wondering if ponyta could help us with that. Especially between (Y/N)'s Pokémon.

Chloe: but... (we see ponyta walk over  towards professor Cerise) are you sure ponyta? (Ponyta nods)

(Y/N): (bows his head down rapidly) I'm so sorry ponyta, I guess my Pokémon were training a little too hard behind my back. I'm so sorry to have robbed you of this trip. (Ponyta looks at him and nods signalling he's forgiven) thank you so much! I'll make it up to ya, I promise!

(His eevee nods until his phone goes off)

(Y/N): Ooh! I'll be quick! (Rushes outside)

(Outside we see a world coronation series battle begin it's a one vs one with (Y/N) using eevee against a girl with yellow hair)

Rotom drone: battle begin!

(Y/N): eevee use quick attack!

(Eevee uses quick attack)

Girl: hypno psybeam!

(Hypno uses psybeam as Eevee dodges it and it hits hypno with quick attack)

Girl: quick hypno use zen headbutt!

(Hypno rebounds and hits eevee with zen headbutt and eevee is sent backwards)

(Y/N): eevee quick use swift!

(Eevee while being just back uses swift and repositions itself as it lands and jumps down off a tree hitting hypno)

(Y/N): now bite!

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