Part 41

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(A/N): I'm skipping over the team rocket/ marshtomp double episode because it's painful, lots and lot of pain. On the bright side it's the darkest day arc beginning. Although I will say the only thing I enjoyed about the marshtomp/ team rocket double episode was the team rocket 4th wall break. Additionally there may be a plot twist in this arc you might not expect.

(With start off in a laboratory with a red beeping alarm where we see Chairman Rose and Oleana enter)

Oleana: (looks not happy) what's the problem here.

Worker: the core went into overload just as it was beginning to absorb Galar particles.

Oleana: isn't that what this hanger is for.

Worker: y-you see the energy has breached the hanger walls.

Oleana: escaping again.

(Sees the orange tubes turn a glowing red as they all look surprised as the big sphere in the centre glows red with energy pouring off it as dynamx beams shoot out throughout the city of Hammerlocke and into the wild area as particles shoot out and travel across the skies)

Oleana: reinforce the hanger at once.

Worker: yes ma'am. 

Rose: it's truly limitless energy made real. (Smiles) stupendous

(With our heroes at night)

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): Rock Paper Scissors!

(Goh and (Y/N) choose rock as Ash chooses scissors)

Goh: I win.

(Y/N): me too.

Ash: aw man.

Goh: so please 

(Ash gets up and goes to the light switch)

Ash: I'm going to turn off the light.

Goh: okay.

(Ash turns them off and tries to navigate in the dark until Pikachu glows with electricity to act as a flashlight/lamp)

Ash: thanks buddy.

(He notices his bag is glowing red/pink colour)

Ash: huh?

(Y/N): why's your bag glowing?

(They watch as Ash approaches his bag and pulls out his dynamx band)

(Timeskip: morning)

Cerise: (inspecting band) people in the Galar region use this to turn Pokemon into dynamaxed Pokemon which causes them to become giant sized but there are details to the method that remain a mystery.

Goh: I've wondered about it for a long time. My first question is why Pokemon dynamax in the first place.

Ash: good question now that I think of it.

Goh: another thing, the places Pokemon can dynamax are limited to stadiums and the wild area correct I haven't really been able to figure out why.

Ash: me neither.

Chrysa: although there are exceptions.

Ash: what do you mean?

Ren: Pokemon have recently been reported to dynamx outside of stadiums and the wild area. (Brings up map) indeed quite a few of them.

Ash: maybe that's why my dynamax band glowed I'd sure love to find out.

(Y/N): guys I've got a bad feeling something bad is happening in Galar

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