part 18

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(we see Goh catching a rattata)

Goh: yes I caught a rattata!

Ash: good job!

Rotom dex: rattata has been registered to your Pokédex

Ash: you know it'll be awesome watching the movie being filmed

Goh: on top of that kublock is a world famous director

Ash: it's about twin gardevoir right?

Goh: yeah. Whilst a real gardevoir plays one of the parts I heard another part is played by a ditto.

Ash: it's ashame (Y/N) couldn't be here.

Goh: yeah but he said it was something important in Johto.

Ash: I wonder what it could be.

(We change over to (Y/N)'s perspective)

(Y/N): (panicking) this is bad! I hope the plane can get here faster!

(An announcement arrives for his plane)

(Y/N): thank the lord I'll have a good shot at getting there ASAP. Right buddies?

(Dragonite and larvitar nods)

(Y/N): (gloomily) it sucks that I left everyone else back at the lab but for this I think it's fine. Anyway let's go.

(They both get on the plane)

(Back with Ash and Goh)

(They arrive at the studio)

Lady: now don't think too hard and I guarantee you'll be just fine.

Kublock: This is all wrong!!!! Now who left this thing here!

(Shows a bunch of statue zen mode darmanitan's piled on top of eachother)

Worker: sorry! Get it out!!

(They move it out if the way as ditto is seen to be more nervous)

Ash: excuse us!

Lady: welcome! Professor Cerise told us about you.

Goh: thanks for the invite.

Lady: wasn't there supposed to be three of you?

Ash: our friend isn't here today.

Goh: he said he some urgent business in Johto but he was excited to come here and he told us to tell you that he sends his regards

Lady: that's sweet of I'm. Well in that case come on then.

(She begins to guide them to a spot where they can watch)

Jessie: you're absolutely useless! I'm a famous actress willing to trade your production with my name! Get your director over here!

Camera guy: we're filming at the moment. Hey where do you think you're going!

(Points at a disguised meowth)

Meowth: (talking to himself) come on all I want to do is meet gardevoir. Oh gardevoir!

Camera guy: come on!

(Grabs him as he throws the trio out and walks back)

Lady: (whispering) it's about to start.

Kublock: quiet and action!

(The scene is a gardevoir surrounded by two shiftry as another gardevoir comes in and hits them away and they hold hands as the two look amazed. Meanwhile the team rocket are watching in the shadows that's not totally looking over a wall that gives a view to the back of the studio where the scenes are taking place that's in no way shape or form plot convenience)

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