part 3

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In the morning goh is seen brushing his teeth when

Ash: goh check it out I made a new discovery, brushing your teeth like this and you'll finish brushing them in no time

(Ash is brushing his teeth at a super fast rate, while Pikachu is nodding head back and forth quickly)

(Y/N): we accept the challenge let's see who brushes their teeth the fastest and we'll win won't we aipom

Aipom: ai-po

Goh: let's see who wins the dizzy contest

(The 4's movements start to increase as they're gradually getting faster and faster until the 4 fall over in fatigue.)

Goh: it's a tie

Cut to breakfast as mimey is preparing the food as he decides to prank goh by handing human invisible drink that he can't actually drink. Goh not looking when mimey puts the "drink" on the table goes to pick it up but feels nothing as aipom and (Y/N) are laughing in the background

Ash: morning mimey

Mimey: mime mime mime mime mime

Goh gets notification on his rotom phone.

Goh: we gotta go now!!

(Y/N): goh wait

Mimey/ash: mmm/ huh

At the laboratory

(Y/N) and goh run in with ash being dragged by the arm

Cerise: good morning all of you

Goh: look at this data about a phenomenon about Pokémon growing giant

Ash: that sounds totally awesome

Cerise: everyone calm down you can witness it first hand in the galar region

(Y/N): oh you guys mean dynamaxing

Cerise: you've heard about it?

(Y/N): yeah I have

Goh: in the galar region?

Ash: professor please can we go I want to see it.

Goh: me too

Cerise: I suppose it's a good idea to go see those giant sized Pokémon first hand, that experience will stay with you forever.

(Y/N), ash, goh: all right!

Ash: just you wait galar

(Y/N): because we're coming

Pikachu: pika!!!

On the plane goh is looking out the window while ash and Pikachu are sleeping and (y/n) and aipom trying not to be sick from the amount of food he's eaten due to excitement.

Goh: there it is, the galar region!

Ash rushes to the window

Ash: where!!!

Next they begin fighting over who looks out the window of the plane

(Y/N): calm down you two

Off the plane

Ash: were are we going from here

Goh: first get off the plane, then transfer to the train for the wild area, the ticket office is right over there!!!

(Ash begins to go the wrong way)

(Y/N): (drags ash back by shirt) this way you numbskull

(Whilst talking to the man)

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