Part 30

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(We start off with Ash and riolu battling)

Tony: electabuzz thunder wave!

(Electabuzz shocks riolu and riolu is paralysed)

Ash: riolu!

Tony: now electro ball let's go!

(Electabuzz fires an electro ball and it hits riolu)

Ash: are you okay?! You can do it! Get up!

(Riolu stands back up)

Ash: awesome riolu! Yeah!

Tony: okay it's time to wrap it up! Thunderbolt!

Ash: riolu vacuum wave!

(Riolu hits a vacuum wave and hits Electabuzz)

Tony: what.

Rotom drone: electabuzz is unable to battle, riolu wins. Which means the victory goes to Ash.

Ash: hey riolu. (Petting riolu's head) good job beating electabuzz.

(Pikachu is congratulating riolu aswell)

Rotom drone: As a result of today's battle there has been a change in the rankings.

Rotom dex: The Pokemon world coronation series has given you a new ranking of 901.

Ash: I moved up!

(Ash and riolu high five)

Ash: let's keep our winning streak going strong.

(Pikachu is pumped up and tries to get Ash's attention by pulling on his jacket)

Ash: hey what's up buddy?

(Pikachu is talking)

Ash: you want to be apart of the next battle?

(Pikachu cheers)

Ash: you sure are rearing to go.

(Pikachu is excited)

Ash: the thing is riolu's really on a role right now, you'll show them next time too.

(Riolu is excited and Pikachu looks gloomy)

Ash: once we get home we'll train some more.

(Riolu agrees)

Ash: who do you want to train with?

(Riolu speaking as both of them are walking away)

Ash:huh? Dragonite? That's a tough one.

(Riolu seems confident)

(Timeskip: riolu is fighting G. Farfetch'd)

Ash: Farfetch'd night slash!

(G. Farfetch'd uses night slash and hits riolu)

Ash: quick fight back with force palm!

(Riolu hits G. Farfetch'd with force palm knocking G. Farfetch'd back and in the process it's leek has been knocked out it's hand)

Ash: yes! That's enough.

(Pikachu gets excited and is wanting a turn but riolu wants to keep going)

Ash: you want to keep training.

Goh: how about you have riolu battle against my farfetch'd.

Ash: good deal! (To G. Farfetch'd) nice work.

(Ash returns an unconscious G. Farfetch'd as Goh sends out his farfetch'd as pikachu pouts and sits back down on the bench)

Goh: double team now!

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