Part 103

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(We see Chloe running and grookey and Pikachu playing as Chloe approaches the gang)

Chloe: hi! Sorry to keep you waiting!

(Y/N): hey Chloe!

(We see her, eevee and ponyta)

Ash: this is where they're holding the Pokémon circus.

Chloe: it's just how I pictured it.

Goh: yeah

Ash: let's go.

(The 4 of them head inside)

Goh: I  kinda nervous

(Y/N): it'll be fine, and fun too.

Chloe: hello?

(They look to see all kinds of performers here)

Goh: amazing!

Ash: awesome!

(Y/N): so rad!

Chloe: huh? (Sees an eevee) it's an eevee! 

Girl trapeze performer: star go!

(She goes on the trapeze as does the eevee who jumps off as she catches her eevee and lands back on her platform)

Woman: excellent jump, thanks Bernice! 

Man: here I come! (Trapezes over as does another eevee) let's go!

(They do the exact same thing and land on the other side)

Goh: woah!

Ash: awesome!

Chloe: isn't it great, eevee and ponyta!

(Both Pokémon agree)

Ringmaster: circus mean adventure! Welcome to a world of dreams and adventure. I assume you three are Ash, (Y/N) and Goh

Ash: aren't you the excavation leader?

Goh: no way, he's the museum of science director right?

(Y/N): he's not both of them and this guy all at the same time?

Showman: you're all wrong, I happen to run the circus you see. Just call me the showman, greetings kids 

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): (put off on how he said greetings kids) uh... greetings to you.

Showman: our rehearsal, what was your thoughts?

Ash: it was awesome 

Goh: my heart was racing !

(Y/N): it was cool.

Showman: mhm, a circus that can cause the heart to race. That's called... adventure! 

Chloe: uh excuse me? (Showman looks) my name's Chloe and (Y/N), Ash and Goh are my best friends. Do you mind if eevee and I watch the rehearsal too?

(Though part of her didn't feel right calling (Y/N) her best friend as (Y/N) felt a sting from that comment too)

Showman: not at all.

Chloe: (holds poster) I saw that you're going to have a jolteon and a flareon performing in the circus right? I'd like to meet them.

Showman: (laughs) perfect timing. The truth is these eevee are going to evolve soon.

(They get excited)

Showman: I'd like you to meet two of our human performers Harmony and Billy! They're scheduled to be the finale performing on the flying trapeze

Harmony: nice to meet you, I'm Harmony and I simply adore fire types and this is my partner Bernice, (we see her eevee as her eevee has a little flower bow thing)

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