Part 48

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(We start off at Cerise laboratory as we see Goh and everyone outside the front along with Yamper, Pikachu and Eevee ((Y/N) this one is (Y/N)'s eevee)

Ash: Goh it looks great on you, what a uniform.

Goh: of course. You got to admit everything looks good on me.

Chloe: whatever. See you later.

Goh: yeah, see ya.

(Y/N): try and enjoy yourselves. (Gives a thumbs up) remember to Ace it.

Cerise/Ash/(Y/N): see you later guys!

(We cut to a building with three scientists with an eevee in an area with a glaceon and espeon, flareon and jolteon, leafeon and umbreon as a sylveon walks by the eevee as it looks at the stove in walking as it has stars in its eyes in excitement and it begins copying sylveon's walk until it falls over until lifts an ear and looks to see a vaporeon as it fires to swim Copying vaporeon but struggles and sinks underwater)

(We see Eevee now out of the water upset)

Woman: here you are.

(Eevee turns around as Eevee is brought inside the laboratory)

Man: a fire stone. (Puts it down as Eevee touches it and is coated in flames and has a blue light surrounding it but instead of evolving into flareon it stays as an Eevee)

Man  no evolving today either.

Woman: don't jump to conclusions. What's next?

Other woman: a thunder stone.

(Eevee touches it and it is coated in the blue light as electricity surrounds it except it has the same results of it not evolving)

Woman: huh. Why won't you evolve. Perplexing.

(We cut to Goh and Chloe)

Goh: so how come you never try to catch Pokemon?

Chloe: I've got Yamper.

Goh: but I thought yamper was your dad's Pokemon? I'm talking about a Pokemon who's your very own partner.

Chloe: I may never get one.

Goh: why would you say something like that.

Chloe: it feels like everyone decided I have to catch Pokemon simply because I'm a professor's daughter. I kinda he that. 

Goh: huh?

Chloe: it came out during an assignment I had about my dreams for the future.

Goh: oh... ok. Sorry.

Chloe: don't worry mom and I talked and she said the day will come when I decide for myself what path I had to take when it comes to Pokemon so there's nothing to apologise for.

(Y/N): oh yeah!!!

(They see (Y/N) on Dragonite at high speeds)

(Y/N): to increase my rank here I come!

(We see Chloe smiling as Goh looks at her)

Goh: so... (has a smug face on him) (Y/N) huh.

Chloe: what! N-no! I just think his admiration and drive is kinda cool, ya know.

Goh: when me or ash get fired up like that you don't have the same reaction.

Chloe: (blushing) shut up and drop it.

???: Goh, Chloe. Morning you two.

(They turn to see their teacher)

Goh/Chloe: good morning to you too.

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