Part 133

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Announcer: it's the Pokémon world coronation series masters 8 tournament. It's a truly exciting and special even in which champion from many regions have gathered to compete. We begin with our first semi final match. Ranked 5th in the masters 8, (Y/N) (L/N) takes the field! (We see (Y/N walking out with a serious expression and all 3 gimmicks prepared he just decided which one he'll need to use) there he is, taking on the mantle of representing the people of Johto and undefeated in the Pokémon and has managed to dominantly get to the semi finals beating the dragon master and champion of the Kanto and Johto, Lance!

(We see Hop in the crowd watching)

Announcer: I wonder how this young man will fair against his opponent.

(We see (Y/N) arrive on his side of the battlefield)

Announcer: ranked 1st in the masters 8 tournament, he is the undefeated champion of Galar and current reigning monarch, Leon! We know he has been undefeated and known as the the top champion and the number 1 trainer in the world for a long time and has the aura of dominance when he hits the battle field yet even then he knows how to hype up and get the crowd going!

(Leon arrives in his side of the battlefield)

Announcer: now Leon has just made his entrance onto the field.

Leon: let's have a champion time! (Does his signature pose as we see backstage Cynthia as we see Diantha is with her and if you're wondering why since she has been knocked out of the tournament already if you don't know already then wait until ash vs Cynthia)

Announcer: so will be the one to make it to the finals, one undefeated streak is coming to a close today!

(We see team rocket as they're broadcasting it)

Meowth: yeah, a match we've been anticipating and an exciting one at that!

Jessie: a battle with the density being earth shattering!

James: don't miss out on this colossal fight as Leon's Pokémon are overwhelmingly strength as he's the world monarch for a reason

Wobbufett: wobbufett.

Announcer: the masters 8 semifinals are about to get underway. Get ready for the first match (we see Leon throws his cape off)

Referee: this semi final match will be a full 6 vs 6 battle. There'll be no limits on time or switching of Pokémon. The one who leaves all 6 of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle wins. Also, a contestant is only permitted to use dynamax, a Z move or mega evolution onc-

Leon: wait a minute!

(They all look confused as they look at Leon)

Referee: champion Leon?

Leon: where is the fun in only using one? (Y/N), I want you to use all of those.

(Y/N): my, my, trying to give me a handicap (grinning)

Leon: this is a serious match, I've been wanting to battle you once again and I know your Dragonite has too. Similarly, me and my Pokémon will be fighting you with everything we've got! So I want you and your Pokémon to bring their all too! Dynamax, z moves, mega evolution I wanna  face them all head on and stand triumphant against them. 

Referee: champion Leon, I'm afraid-

(He's cut off as the crowd start cheering and chanting)

Leon: see, the crowd wanna see it too!

(We see Hop)

Hop: I'd wanna see that! It sounds so cool big bro!

Referee: (receiving messages) yes... yes.., okay. (To everyone) the championship management has accepted champion Leon's suggestion! competitor (Y/N), do you accept? 

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